27-09-2016 08:15 PM
I'll try to be short although there is much to tell...
Ordered VF Broadband and Phone on the 30th August and like many others on the 1st September I received an email saying "Thanks for getting in touch. As requested we’ve cancelled your Vodafone Business Broadband and Phone order and its planned activation on ". I had however taken delivery of my router and obviously not contacted VF to cancel my order..
I tried calling the free phone number, but even though I'm a mobile customer I couldn't get past the automated prompts. I then tried online chat and after about 2 hours managed to get the order reinstated and sure enough I received a Text message informing me of my activation date, today 27th September.
About a week later I received a letter from my current provider saying "sorry you're leaving" etc, all good I thought. However, my mother-in-law who lives next door also received a letter too from here provider. Many phone calls later (to her provider) it seemed her number had mistakenly been registered to our property (my other half had set her broadband up from our landline). So we had 2 numbers registered to our property. We eventually talked to someone who could re-register her number to her own property and would contact VF to say the order was not for her.
So around comes "go-live" day, today, and I plugged the router in at 7:30am this morning having had no more correspondence from VF to say the order had been cancelled again. I get home from work at 6pm and it's not gone live, TBH I half expected it not to..
So I phoned support and find that the order had not gone through after all even though I had an activation date. Not only that the only option available to VF support was to send an engineer out to my property. I know the problem is not with my line, I live less than 1/2 a mile from the exchange and my property is fairly new. Obviously I refused an engineer visit. The support staff had no other options to offer me...
So I'm stuck in limbo, I want to switch to VF BB and Phone but the "system" won't let my order go through.
Please help.
29-09-2016 12:37 PM
Hi @hw2570
If the broadband team have recommended that an engineer visit your property to sort the issue out, then this will be what they ned to do to resolve it.
It may be worth giving them a call back, although I think they may just give you the same information.
29-09-2016 01:04 PM
There is no way I'm paying for an engineer to come and tell me there is no problems with my wiring. I know it is ok, the problem is not a physical one it is a software problem with VF's ordering system. Or a problem with their dealings with my current provider.
I'm about to give up and just throw the towel in with this shambles....
29-09-2016 02:36 PM