‎09-09-2016 10:19 AM
I thought I'd share my experience today. I always buy phone phones directly from the manufacturers unlocked and have a sim free contract.
I have ordered my new iPhone 7+ this morning on the Apple website.
Delivery date?? NOVEMBER!! and no option to collect in any of the ten stores in and around London.
So the moral of the story is be patient.
‎09-09-2016 11:26 AM
‎09-09-2016 11:31 AM
@jeffkinn Of course the estimated delivery dates mean nothing until the thing actually arrives.
I also agree with you that the jet black will be a fingerprint magnet but that's what he would like so as it's his birthday gift I decided not to try and persuade him otherwise.
‎09-09-2016 10:34 AM
Wow.... just wow!
That is 2 major phone launches that seem to have gone a bit awry... first the S7 Note and now the iPhone 7.... I really wish the manufacturers would get phone launches right so we don't have to go through this nonsense every single time a new handset comes out....
‎09-09-2016 07:10 PM
I was sat by the computer at 7.45am refreshing the web page frequently, ready to get my hands on the 7+ in Jet Black.
Resfresh after refresh at 8.05am and somehow they were 'currently unavailable'. So I tried the 256gb option...same again.
In in the end I went for the 7 128gb in Gold.
Least I'll get it Friday from store.
‎09-09-2016 07:13 PM
@brownbear The U.K. Apple order page did not go live until 8.45 am which explains why you could not get connect.