12-03-2017 03:56 PM
I was in Cyrpus for 14 days last october visiting family. I got a text of vodaphone EVERY DAY telling me to change to a £3 a day surplus so I could 'use my phone as per contract'. I threw these texts into a black hole and carried on normally.
When I got home and got my first bill since then, I has overspent by a MASSIVE £2. And vodaphone tried to tell me to give them £48 for the privelege????? Swivel comes to mind, and I am leaving Voda when this contract expires. They have robbed my wife of £20 credit and there wont be any more thieving.
12-03-2017 04:06 PM
Have you spoken to customer services about this and if so what have they advised?
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.
12-03-2017 04:40 PM
What can they advise? no I didn't. To send me text every day whilst on holiday is bad enough, but I am leaving Voda by end summer, so not bothered now. When I go back to Cyprus in Nov, it will be with a new phone and new company.