06-12-2015 07:50 AM
Why is Pay As You Go broadband bundle pricing is so expensive in UK?
30 days 6GB 4G UK data £30 Big Value Bundle
with the equivalent in Ireland (Irish SIM), ...
30 days 7.5GB €20 ( or £14.50) 4G.
One would think that the UK being much a bigger market would provide more competition, and thus better value ?
06-12-2015 08:29 AM
It is all down to market forces and different networks have different incentives to attract customers.
Some provide free handsets, some the option to upgrade FOC at any time in the contract and other lower prices for their bundles than their competitors.
With so many networks available it is easy to switch providers and find a package that suits your needs as what is ideal for one person may not be ideal for someone else.
The Uk and Europe in general are more expensive than many other countries but the overhead costs of running a network infrastructure are also higher thanks to wages and other essential costs.
As an example when I am in Thailand which is still rated by the UN as a third world country I can get 50GB of 4G data for my iiPad for 715Baht (£13.50) a month without any FUP or speed restrictions.
For my iPhone I get unlimited minutes of inland calls, unlimited texts and 50GB of 4G data for 742Baht (£14) a month. I can call the UK direct from the network for 2pence a minute but to call Thailand from the UK with Vodafone is £1.50 per minute.
06-12-2015 08:29 AM
Personally I'd like to pay less for the different services I recieve but on the flip side I understand that a business has profit margins to reach and need resources to pay for infrastructure improvements.
So on balance I'd like more for my money. i.e Bigger allowances perhaps.
Totally understand what your saying.
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.