Well, with a Vodafone 3G mast only 200 metres away, decided on the Vodafone PAYG modem - Vodafone K3565 USB Modem Stick Lite.
The device itself is great, however once I've used up the initial £15 credit I am going to be stuck!
Ideally I want to be able to add credit from my bank Debit card using the Vodafone website, but for some reason Vodafone will not let me register!
The requirement is to register on Vodafone's site first:-
If you use the modem's 07 number you should get an SMS message back via the modem which has a password limited to 20 minutes, I have yet to receive a SMS messge when I use that method, although I can receive a SMS message sent from my mobile phone (on o2) so that proves the SMS functionality. If I try using my email address, which is in form of
name@firstname-lastname.co.uk then I get a message saying that I have entered my email address incorrectly. I have had this email address for some years, it is a valid email address as far as I am concerned. However are Vodafone looking for an email address that they have issued?
I have spoken with Vodafone and they tell me that they have issues with their website. However that was well over a week ago and nothing has changed. Looking through this forum there have been issues since last year... What I cannot understand is that this problem would also relate to anyone registering on their site, not just for PAYG broadband, so must be a great revenue looser for Vodafone.
The only other option is buying £15 vouchers, I've not seen those in shops around here for ages. And reading the Modem instructions, there is no provision for using a Vodafone top-up card.
Any ideas please?