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Request for a Sure Signal turned down

4: Newbie

My business is moving to a new rural location in the middle of nowhere. If I'm lucky I can get one bar of reception by going outside into the middle of the courtyard and holding the phone up in the air like I'm calling in a flock of eagles.
Within the building the reception becomes zilch, zappo, nowt.....
It is a personal phone but it is used for daily business. I contacted Customer Services and suggested that they might prefer to give me a Sure Signal, rather than me cancelling my account and moving to another provider.
Rather disappointingly this suggestion was turned down, and they seem content to lose a loyal customer. :smileyfrustrated:


17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

Sure Signal devices are not routinely handed out, so the reponse from the first-line CS people was standard.  What I'd suggest you do is call 191 during office hours and select the "thinking of leaving Vodafone" option that comes near the end.   That'll get you the Retentions team who are able to do deals.   I don't know whether Sure Signals are part of that but, if they won't help, you can play the "in that case, can I have a PAC code please?" card.   If they give you one, you know where you are!

17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

How close are you to your contract end date which could affect any bargaining you might want to do with customers service. If you decided to leave before your contract end term date then that early termination fee might be more expensive than a £69 Sure Signal. 


Vodafone cannot be held responsible for a person deciding to move location where signal is  poor I'm sure people would agree. 


That said other networks may not have strong signal either. 

Current Phone  >

Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.



Thanks guys......I'd already tried the "thinking of leaving" option on 191 and that didn't crack it.

I agree totally that Vodafone cannot accept any responsibility for where my company decides to relocate to. I guess I just hoped that they might have been amenable to helping me solve the problem.

Other providers do seem able to get a decent signal into the the crow flies it is less than 1/3 mile away from the it looks like the location is just falling into a Vodafone reception black hole.

Thanks again :smileyhappy:


17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

No worries. 


I assume Calling Over Wifi isn't an option ?

Current Phone  >

Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.



"Calling over wifi?"   Sadly this isn't supported on the Xperia :smileysad:


17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

@todj wrote:

"Calling over wifi?"   Sadly this isn't supported on the Xperia :smileysad:

Sadly not. 


Worth a shout though. 

Current Phone  >

Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.



17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

Lee makes a good point.  If you're near the end of your contract, the threat to leave has more weight.   If not, you'd have to pay an early termination fee and that would indeed almost certainly be more than the cost of an SS.   If that's the case, I'd be inclined to cough up the £69 and then push for a good deal when it comes to upgrade time.


Also bear in mind that deals are fluid so, if you don't get what you want one day, keep trying as something might come up.


Also, if you're in a position to ask for a PAC code, do so.   I'm pretty sure that opens doors like nothing else :smileywink:

17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

@todj try live chat they seem to have some flexibility in some circumstances. I managed to get a discounted SS before but never a free on