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Request for re-sync of Sure Signal

4: Newbie

I would like to request a re-sync of my Sure Signal device. I haven't used it for over 3 months so I think it needs a re-sync from Vodafone's end to get it work.


The serial number of my device is: 21229079526.




Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

Hi MarcLister,


Could you try to deregister via My Account and then set the device up from scratch for me? I'm trying to figure out what would cause this issue since you did the swap. Let me know when you've done this so I can look at it this end again from fresh.


Cheers, Ben

View solution in original position


My Sure Signal device doesn't appear to be working. I had reset it as per earlier instructions and it did work for the early part of September but it doesn't work anymore. I have checked that it is using the same IP address. I've also reset it but more than 2 hours after I did so, there is still no reception on my phone. Lights 1, 2 and 4 are lit.


Is the device showing as active at your end?

Hi MarcLister,


Thanks for posting.


I've just checked and the VSS connected to our servers at about 9.30pm yesterday.


How have things been today?







Hi Lee,


Thanks for the reply. I had a very busy day and was hardly at my desk so I never got to check. I will look tomorrow.


Thanks again,





I've been at work since 7:40am and my phone is not getting any signal through. I am right next to the VSS, lights 1, 2 and 4 are on. On my Nexus 4, I do sometimes get 3G/H signal but no actual bars but the situation fluctuates very frequently.

Hi MarcLister,


I've given the box a fresh resync as we haven't tried one since August. If you can do another reset for me it'll help check that the Sure Signal is totally up to date.


I'm concerned that the blockage may still be down to the network firewall and security, so are you able to try the Sure Signal on a different connection such as a home connection for an hour or two?


I'd also just check that the rules which were set up cover the following:


Router ports to be open for forwarding


 - 8, 50, 123, 500, 1723, 4500


IP ranges to allow








Can you also ensure that is allowed? We regularly add new servers and IPs to increase capacity, and this one has been reported as helping for others.



Hi Dave,


I've just done a reset. I'll check with our IT support people to check that the IP addresses are correct. I'll do that on Monday so I'll let you know.


As for testing the VSS on another connection, I have a VSS at home so I'd need to unplug that one to let my office VSS work at home?

I brought my work device home last night and plugged it in at 6am this morning. When I got home at 5:30pm my phone couldn't connect to the Vodafone network. Does this mean the device is faulty?

Hi MarcLister,


It does sould like a possibility.


The Sure Signal has a 2 year warranty, so if you're still within this time you can arrange a warranty repair.



Hello Dave,


I'll log into my account and see how long I've had the work Sure Signal device for.


My home SS device is now not working as it should. I unplugged it to try my work Sure Signal device on Thursday and when I re-connected my home Signal Signal device on Saturday I was unable to get a signal. I've yet to succeed since then and this is with 3-4 resets. Sometimes my phone can see the Vodafone network but can't connect, other times it sees nothing and very, very rarely it does connect to the Vodafone network but without any signal.


Considering my Sure Signal device was working perfectly before I removed it to test my work Sure Signal device, this lack of success in getting it working again is very frustrating. Is there anything you can do to help?

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

Hi MarcLister


Can you let me know the serial number of your home Sure Signal so that I can see what's going on with it?



