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Samsung Galaxy S5:- Network Connection Problems

4: Newbie
I have a galaxy S5 on a 3G package which does some weird things. I should also say that i have had a new sim in the last week to try and address this problem. I live in a low coverage area and have to go upstairs (or outside) to use my phone with any kind of reliable signal. I accept that this is not the phones fault. it is not unusual for the phone to lose signal entirely for a minute or so, but then it should come back. With annoying regularity the phone loses its signal, shows the no-entry icon in the signal bar, and refuses to reconnect to the network, no matter where in the house or outside i go. It should just re-connect to the network like my old BB Bold used to. The only way i can get it to connect is to restart it, which surely cant be right. I have also had the strange situation where my phone is showing 3 bar signal strength, but incoming calls go straight to voicemail. I can then make a call from my phone and it starts accepting incoming calls again. Is this a correctable problem or is the phone itself faulty? many thanks in advance for your help Flubster

7: Helper
7: Helper
Hi Flubster, just a quick tip. Rather than restart your phone to force renegotiation with the transceiver, just turn on flight mode and then turn it off again. I have the same issue from time to time 😉

Thanks Sheephelmet!!


Will give it a go.

