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Samsung NC10 - Usb Dongle Problems

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I've had a look through recent topics, including one on the NC 10, but could not work out if any or them related to my problem.

I have great 3G coverage and previously had a White Vodafone 3G USB Pay as You Go dongle working great on the NC10. I then lost the the dongle so have just replaced it with a new one on pay monthly. As far as I know both dongles were the same. The new one is the White USB type, model K3520-Z ZTE Proprietary USB Modem Firmware BD_VDFP671M8V1.0.0B16.

The Samsung NC10 is using WindowsXP Home Edition Version 2002 Service Pack 3.

The new dongle is working fine on a different PC running Windows Vista.

I deleted and reinstalled the Vodafone Mobile Connect Lite software on the NC10. The Mobile Connect software was installed for the first time on the Vista PC.

The problem I have on the NC10 is that I get an error message reading as follows when I try to connect to 3G. The dongle's blue light is flashing and it looks as if it is picking up the network I just can't connect.

Error message = "Mobile connection not possible. Ensure that no other probrams are using your selected device, and try again in a short while."

I've tried to follow the trouble shooting suggestions in the Vodafone software troubleshooting menue, but they are a bit difficult to follow.

In device manager I tried disabling 2 USB Mass Storage Devices. If I disaled the USB Composite Device the dongle's blue light stopped flashing.

Any help would be very welcome!

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Hi, I just wanted to add something to this thread in case it helps anyone..this may sound daft but I was getting this same error message and the solution was really simple - I was opening mobile connect by double clicking the link on my desktop but the program was also set to automatically open when the usb stick was inserted, hence error message another program may be using it..I just needed to be patient and wait for it to open by itself! ( or change the start up settings). duh

4: Newbie
Just wanted to add that I launched the Vodafone SMS program and was able to send and receive SMS, even though the dongle still won't connect to the good 3G service that it is dectecting.

Also the old Vodafone USB Dongle that is still showing up in Manage Devices was an E160X model.

Hi, im working on a fix, same symptom, i got a SMS while iwas fault finding but no 3G or GPRS coneection still.

4: Newbie
Hi Phil

Is the repair option within the Vodafone Mobile Connect? I have downloaded the newest version for a K3565 , version is




Time line may be a bit out but I have got the Modem working "YES".....

Decided to try the "rarepair" I had seen mentioned several times during the evening whilst looking for a way to make the modem work..

It worked for me but if anyone tries it, at your own risk...

I made a restore point of before I first tried to install the modem. Doing this meant I had to re enter the fix for VBScript fix, the other problem I had...

I then tried to install the modem as before, still wouldn't connect. I have an old fashioned 56k modem in the Inspiron which I never use so I disabled that in "system".

I then decided that I would risk "rarepair". I turned off my wifi card (just in case it made any difference)

I went to control panel and uninstalled the Vodafone software for 20th time (or there abouts !)

I then ran rarepair as administrator, a dos type window opened, it did its stuff (technical term !) I then just hit ENTER as it told me to, the machine shut down and rebooted.

I decided to reboot again for good measure and then plugged the dongle in. It went through install routine. and the VMC window opened....

I didn't expect alot but I clicked on connect and it went through the connecting to Vodafone 3G but instead of the error 31 I had connected...

I used my usual speed checker site and got 2.1Mb download speed compared with my 4.3Mb broadband down my phone line... That will do for me...

Just though that I would post this so it can be seen that it is possible to get around the RAS error 31 issue...

For the moment anyway until someother piece of software makes a mess of it all again.
