17-03-2017 10:19 PM
This entire situation is so infuriating that I hope someone reading this just decides to avoid Vodafone together.
I had a personal account with Vodafone
I transferred to small business
Small business and the TOO (transfer of ownership team) are awful.
They transfered my account but
18-03-2017 06:01 AM
Hi @onlinechris
I'm not surprised your unimpressed with this.
Every post is read by the Vodafone Tech Team here and they do engage and or pass back feedback.
Unfortunately they cannot access Businesses Accounts so that type of access will have to be between the account holder and Customer Services. Link > Vodafone contact-us.
In regards to your Credit Score / Credit File being affected my advice while Vodafone investigate is to add a Notice of Correction.
Some information concerning that is in my Help thread here > Default-on-your-Credit-File-and-How-to-add-a-Notice-of-Correction.
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.
18-03-2017 07:16 AM
Hi @onlinechris
With the forum being consumer only with no access to business account, means you are going to need to continue to take this up with the business team. The other alternative is to ccontact Customer Relations by following the complaints procedure below.
The golden rule in any dispute is to continue paying and sort everything out afterwards. When you stopped paying, you would immediately put yourself in the wrong and defaut of contract.
When you add anything to your credit file, it can sometimes do more harm than good and this might be something to take into account.