07-12-2013 03:11 PM
Hi there,
We seem to be having a problem with our corporate sure signals, we ahve purchased 3 and all have been registered.
Yesterday one was working perfectly and today we had a powercut since then sure signals are displaying a Orange In-Use Light (the Mobile) and flashing Power Light. Our Sure Signals are pointing to what we call a public network dirty line so anything external device can connect to that and get intenet no problems.
Since the Powercut nothing is happening we have rebooted router and we know this is working becasue out mobile can connect to the wifi and we can get internet.
Sure Signal Details:
Mac: B046FC9A03A4
Any Ideas
Many Thanks
10-12-2013 11:49 AM
Hi DMatt7176,
Is it just that one Sure Signal that's having issues? If not, what are the other serial numbers?
I've given the box a resync. Can you reset it for me to pick that up?
For Sure Signal version 1 or 2:
For Sure Signal version 3: