10-07-2015 11:09 AM
Morning, any ideas on next steps with my Suresignal box which is showing no signs of life after a power surge in the house. Yes I have checked the online forum and have tried all the reset options but as I say at the start of the message the device is 'DEAD', no lights at all.
Appreciate any advice and guidance.
Called 191 but could not hear any option that would lead me to ask or find any support on Suresignal, options seemed geared to mobile service and phone.
If I am wrong please tell me which options to select to get help. I have read I can take my device into teh Vodafone shop and get it replaced FOC as under a year old.
10-07-2015 11:17 AM
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.
10-07-2015 01:51 PM
My SS3 does not need another power source as the unit is self contained. If you mena try it in another socket, done that on 3 different sockekts in 3 different rooms, still dead as a dodo (DAAD).
10-07-2015 03:45 PM
@JCLINCOLN - It’s possible to buy new power chords online, which will be what @BandOfBrothers is referring to.
If it still isn’t working after trying this, you can arrange a repair.
10-07-2015 04:26 PM
Jenny sorry but my device has no power cord, it plugs directly into the socket and the only wire is an ethernet cable at the bottom. Perhaps you are talking about another model?
This is a SS3 model that was supplied in May this year, I would expect a replacement not a repair Jenny as the inconvenience of not having this little gadget is very high. Hope you understand.
03-03-2016 12:35 PM
My Sure Signal device version 3 lasted just over the 2 year guarantee period. Now I have no lights at all when it is plugged into the mains power. I have tried the device in a number of mains sockets all to no avail. I asked Vodafone what should be done, via their chat line, and after a very long mail exchange with someone who could not understand English I was advised to take the device to my local Vodafone shop for repair. This I did and the service there was equally rubbish. No one was particularly interested and I was advised the device could be sent away for repair at my cost but no noe could give me a cot for repair, if indeed it is repairable. I was also offered a new device on the premise that the price was not cheaper compared with when I bought my unit originally. Why would I want another one when the current unit has hardly performed well?T hese devices are a complete epensive con. Having seen the number of similarly reported failures on this e-forum I think Vodafone should change the supplier and investigate why these devices are failing on a regular basis. They shoud also repair or repalce them free of charge, enough of this stupid 2 year warranty on a device which costs circa £100. Otherwise us clients who have had the same issues should take a class action against Vodafone or at least complaining en mase to the relevant Ombudsman.
03-03-2016 01:52 PM
It certainly sounds like your device has developed a fault.
You can send the device away for repair, although the cost won’t be known until the device has been looked at, or buy a new one from our website (£69).