19-09-2014 10:59 AM
Emailde recieved today saying my phone wont arrive until the 9th October thats almost 3 weeks away. I am on an enhanced tariff after my upgrade but don't have the benefit of the new handset.
My original order had to be cancelled and redone after Vodafone put the wrong delivery address on the order, I am sure this has led to my slipping down the delivery ladder.
What is the compensation for this near 3 week delay and how do I get it applied?
19-09-2014 11:05 AM
Hi there
There have been no official statements on compensation. Your phone and airtime contract are seperate entities, in fact your airtime contract specifically excludes your handset. Remember that you can use your allowances on any handset - it doesn't have to be the handset you get when you upgrade / take out your contract.
19-09-2014 11:08 AM
What about the insurance im paying on a phone I dont physically have?
Whats that part of?
19-09-2014 11:20 AM
@Mewnor wrote:What about the insurance im paying on a phone I dont physically have?
Whats that part of?
I would have thought that you would be able to get a refund of the premium during the time you didn't have the phone. It may be worth caling up and asking the question.
19-09-2014 11:25 AM
well i received information that for every week I have to wait they'll deduct 5 pounds.
19-09-2014 11:42 AM - edited 19-09-2014 12:21 PM
Hi Mewnor and mse120479,
I've added a post to address this here - iPhone 6 and 6 Plus upgrade back-order credit
19-09-2014 11:48 AM
@KD - I've seen the post, whilst I can appreciate that it wasn't easy getting to that stage to offer something like that. I think it is too little and too late now.
The upper limit should be removed, the offer should be equalised between personal and business customers, and since you obviously don't have the stock anyway customers should be allowed to cancel and be given their PAC codes when they request it. Making them wait until an undetermined time when you decide to send out the phone, and only then upon rejection of delivery allowing them to cancel doesn't make logical, nor financial sense to me (surely you wouldn't want the cost of actually sending out and returning the goods etc?)...
And some plain honesty and openess would be welcomed as well. It comes across that nobody knows when you have stock, so why not instruct everyone to just say so.
19-09-2014 11:11 AM
19-09-2014 11:31 AM
@drey_p wrote:Hi there
There have been no official statements on compensation. Your phone and airtime contract are seperate entities, in fact your airtime contract specifically excludes your handset. Remember that you can use your allowances on any handset - it doesn't have to be the handset you get when you upgrade / take out your contract.
Not if you don't have a 4G handset, and actually the supply of a handset is part of the airtime contract. Hey if it wasn't then surely they could cancel it before the handset would turn up. The contract is incomplete and it goes directly again ofcom rules to do it this way.