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Top Up & Go Modem - ras error 619

Not applicable
Hi Guys

Im trying to use the PAYG 1GB sim that I bought earlier this year after a gap of a couple of months. Every time I log in I get the error message ras 619. I've followed the instructions regarding deleting the device and reinstalling it etc etc but it makes no difference.

The blue light is flashing and, if I 'view available networks' both 3G and GRPS are available but I cannot connect to them.

I tried to follow some instructions on here relating to a similar error where the guy was using a corporate sim. This advised into the dashboard and changing the APN settings but the dashboard Im using doesnt seem to match the configurations described.

Clicking on About Vodafone Connect it says that I am using Vodafone Mobile Connect version

Can you tell me what I need to do to get connected as I have a business meeting tomorrow and I really need my laptop :)

With Best Wishes
kb x

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)
Hi karatebarbie,

There are a few things which can explain this, so I'll run through some possible routes to check for you.

One likely culprit with a "619" would be the ports. If these are left as those selected by default but then another application or connection claims the same ones then this would prevent the connection working. Most applications, including VMC, will default to lower numbers, so it's best to set these to a higher number:

- Select Control Panel > System > Device manager
- Select Modems and locate the dongle
- Highlight the modem, right click and select Propeties > Advanced > Advanced port settings
- Set COM port to a high number, for example something around 240
- Close this window and go back to Device Manager
- Select Ports (COM + LPT) and check for the dongle (look for any Huawei reference)
- Highlight the modem, right click and select Propeties > Port Settings > Advanced port settings
- Set COM port to a different high number (to avoid conflict with the first setting)
- Reboot the computer
- Check device manager again to ensure listed under CD ROM drives (as USB Mass Storage device), Ports, Modems and USB controllers.

If this doesn't resolve the issue, can you also confirm for me a few other things for me?

- If you move the mouse over the items in the laptop toolbar's sandbox, does any icon make reference to using a mass storage device you cannot find? If yes, this may mean that something has misidentified and co-opted the dongle, so you'll need to disconnect that connection to free the device up again.

- When you load VMC, check what connections the dongle can "see" before trying to connect as you have previously, but then remove any connections which are not the specific required Vodafone connection (whether 2G or 3G depending on your location's signal and then manually set the device to connect to this one.

Let us know how you get on for me.


eForum Team

Not applicable
Hi DaveN

Thanks so much for getting back to me.

So here's where the problem starts. I see no button for control panel. I have some form of dashboard but there is no option for system

Along the top there is File, View, Settings, Tools, Help
Down the side I have Mobile Connect, Main View, Manage Connections, View Usage, Manage Devices
Then Service Info which has my number, my account, check balance and methods of topping up,
Other Programs = WLAN

It's a stand alone laptop with nothing connected to it

If I click view I can see available connections of Vodafone 3G and GPRS. There are other options with other service providers but these are marked not allowed


Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)
Hi Karatebarbie,

Oops! Dave forgot to mention click Start > Control Panel... it's the big Windows icon bottom left of your computer screen :)

Please try the advice above - don't forget that if you're uncomfortable with any PC-related advice, always enlist the aid of a qualified computer technician who can try to resolve things hands-on.

Keep us updated!


eForum Team

Not applicable
LOL... You see, crucial pieces of info :)

OK, been in there done all that. Port settings at COM240 and COM245 and the dongle is showing in the device manager below CDROMS etc in the startup menu. It's all working except for the connection part where Im still getting the ras 619 each time it tries.

Nothing along the sandbox to indicate another storage device

When I click connect, it tries and the notifier says 'connecting' but then the error message comes up

When you load VMC, check what connections the dongle can "see" before trying to connect as you have previously, but then remove any connections which are not the specific required Vodafone connection (whether 2G or 3G depending on your location's signal and then manually set the device to connect to this one.

When I load VMC, the only way to see what connections the dongle can see is to go into View/Available Mobile Connections and it shows Vodafone 3G and Vodafone GRPS with the option to connect. There is no way to remove them.

I have been into Manage Devices/Edit and seen that 3G preferred is selected but Im not sure how else to find the available mobile connections as I would do if I was looking for a wireless network on my main PC. The VMC doesnt seem to offer me that option... well, not obviously anyway :)

4: Newbie

I am having exactly the same problem, I too have done the steps above but no luck, and the same with the VMC.

Please help!


Not applicable
Hey Lisa!

Thank goodness! I thought it was just me! :unsure:

Come on boys, is there a resolution to this problem?


Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)
Hello ladies

Some extra info please. This is required so I can advise you on how to find out if you have some missing information, within your dial up networking settings and/or the modem settings.

The make/model number of the modem
The o/s you are using eg xp, Win7,Vista or Mac (if it's XP is it Home or Pro and what service pack you have installed)

Many thanks

eForum team

4: Newbie
Hi Albert,

I'm running windows7 on laptop but have tried it on my other comp which has xp home with same error message. The dongle is a Huawei E220.


P.S. Karatebarbie, I also thought I was the only one until I saw your thread, I have scoured the net for an answer! Thanks for posting

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)
Hi lisamg

Just thought I would mention that you do need to have credit on the account, before it can be used. If it hasn't you'll need to add a £15 top up to convert to the data allowance.

If you do have credit, there's a quick test you can action to check out the service. If possible, remove your SIM from the dongle and place it into a Vodafone compatible PAYG mobile phone. Then attempt to connect to the internet using the phone browser, and post whether you are able to connect or not.

As for the information that needs to be populated, this would be different for PAYG compared to contract.

If you have a old type PAYG account with 1Gb on unexpiring data :

APN - pp.internet
username - web
password - web

If you have the newer 3Gb 30 day expiry PAYG account :

APN - ppbundle.internet
username - web
password - web

Let me know if you require any further assistance.


eForum Team