23-10-2017 03:03 AM
Am on holiday. My two Vodafone phones are working perfectly. Although my wife's is not working on data only. Txt and calls work. But no data. There is the 4g symbol, and mobile data is turned on. But no luck. I had the usual txt from vodaphone saying that roaming abroad is working. Is there a roaming banned by default?? Many thanks if someone can shed light. Ivan
23-10-2017 05:34 AM
Your wife may need to check in her myvodafone that everything is toggled to On to allow roaming and data use abroad.
Sometimes manually choosing another network may help.
As Vodafone have no direct control over foreign networks they are not able to guarantee everything will work.
Live Chat will be able to check her account too.
Also some phones have Internal Data monitors and set limits. Check that the limit has not been reached and data usage turned Off.
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.