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Upgraded, but...

4: Newbie

So I managed to finally pre-order my iPhone 6 plus this morning at about 9:15 this morning, received an email saying "Thanks for your order" and I got a text at the same time saying more or less the same thing. The first email has an order number (beginning WEB), but there are a few things that seem a bit troubling:


Firstly, I havn't had a confirmation email since (although I know they can take a few days to filter through). Next, when I log in to my account it still hasn't updated with my new plan and still tells me I can upgrade. And lastly, I just tried inputting my order number into the tracking system to see if there had been any progress but it just comes back with an error, suggesting my order number doesn't exist.


Would anyone be able to help me? 


4: Newbie
A number of us have had the same problem.

Myself and others have found that if you reorder, you will receive a confirmation email instantly.

My only worry with that is that there'll probably be a few weeks wait now for delivery surely?


I (like a lot us) was up ready to pre-order this morning at 8am so I could ensure delivery for release day. After finally managing it, I felt relieved that it was done. But now, if I do have to re-order, myself and the rest of us who made an effort to pre-order in time won't receive our phones for a few weeks when actually we should definitly be the first? 

Re-ordered as suggested, received another "Thanks for choosing Vodafone" email but not the "Confirmation" email. Also, it is now showing up on my account which is a step in the right direction! 


*edit, still not showing up in Vodafone's "Track my Order", simply says it's invalid! 

4: Newbie
I'm also worried I won't receive the device on Friday 19th now, having like yourself been trying from 08:00 and eventually completing my initial order at 09:15 - it's all a bit of a joke really!

My order number was also saying that it was invalid on the tracking page for around two hours after my account had all changed but it is now showing.

Hopefully your confirmation email will follow soon, and your tracking will also become available.

My re-order took three hours to show in the online tracker, but now has a nice green box around confirmed 🙂 Hope yours shows up soon.

2: Seeker
2: Seeker
Think I might be having the same problem although I have no email or text confirmation yet? I ordered by phone yesterday about 11:00 and was told I would receive confirmation email and text but nothing has come through and my account has not been updated? Is it just a slow process during iphone launches or am I going to have to do it again? Meaning I've probably lost out on a launch day delivery slot now?

I did an online order at 10am yesterday and still haven't recieved anything saying the order is confirmed, when I use the track my order it says it is recieved but not confirmed. A few people myself included decided enough was enough and placed a second upgrade order as the account section still said we could upgrade and we recieved a proper confirmation email and my new order which I placed yesterday evening has progressed to the confirmed stage on the online tracker.

I experienced problems two years ago when they lost my iPhone 5 order so did want to take any chances, I fear I am now not likely to get one on Friday but feel a lot more confident that I am at least in the queue for a new iPhone.

Hope that helps.

I'm in exactly the ame position as Veed. Pre ordered by phone early yesterday morning and have had no email/text with confirmation. My price plan has remained the same :smileymad:


I shall be a very angry customer if the upgrade has not been processed. Contacted 191 who are completetly clueless!!


2: Seeker
2: Seeker
I just spoke to 191 and the confirmed that they received my pre order and said my account won't update new tarriff until the phone is delivered? Not sure how true that is maybe a mod here could confirm?
He said also there could be a delay in getting order numbers sent out he gave me a #vf ref no via text but not an order number, this is the first pre order I've done so I'm guessing that my order number hasn't been raised yet that means by the time phone is ordered il be way down the list and can forget a release day delivery!