12-01-2015 09:59 PM
After 60 minutes and five different tech teams it turns out that SureSignal will not connect to my 4G iPhone 6 Plus because it's 4G.
If I'm right, Sure Signal connects to my handset using 3G alone. Thus, if there is a remnant of 4G signal in my area (it comes and goes randomly) it prevents the phone connecting to SureSignal using 3G.
Solution: turn off 4G on my handset when in the office and it connects perfectly.
Would be useful if this was made cleary to any SureSignal owner with a 4G handset..
15-01-2015 03:38 PM
Welcome to the eForum.
You’re able to turn off the 4G setting on the phone while you’re at home.
This’ll help the phone connect to the Vodafone Sure Signal.