26-10-2016 03:13 PM
Hopefully Ofcom’s fine will open Vodafone senior management team’s eyes to that fact and get their house in order finally – I put Customer Complaints in the same category.
27-10-2016 01:02 AM
With profits of £941m this fine is absolute peanuts... bad customer service has been so deeply ingrained in all the years with Vodafone so I don't envisage any noticeable changes.
27-10-2016 12:01 PM
You are probably correct – seems to be a common theme with most Voda customers unless you are lucky enough to never have an issue and need support. Culture change is painful and expensive so not popular when cost management is rife and investment in training and skills non existent.
28-10-2016 08:37 PM
In attempting to fix a long standing billing error on my account Voda have managed to remove my entertainment package completely. More phone calls required to their deplorable Customer Support. The one positive is that after having the same mobile number for almost 20 years which I could never remember; I now know it off by heart after repeating it about 100 times in the past few months. I’m not exaggerating either as I’m usually asked to give it 6 times or more in the same phone call while being passed around the houses in the vain hope of reaching a competent person in the relevant section.