21-02-2010 04:09 PM
21-02-2010 10:07 PM
Dear Vodafone tech guy.
I've just bought a brand new dell Inspiron Mini 10v. Windows 7 Starter.
I tried to install VMC from the USB modem (model KC3565) but can not.
I downloaded Vodafone Mobile Connect Lite (v9.4.2) and tried to install from that but again failed.
I get the following error message half way through instalation.
Can not open data base file.
System error-2147287035"
The computer is as new, no other programs added. Is VMC compatable with windows 7.
If not, when will Vodafone release updated software. I've searched the net and it appears this is a common issue.
Regards Gary.
22-02-2010 12:22 PM
23-02-2010 01:03 PM
23-02-2010 06:05 PM
Hi G-A-R-Y,
Firstly, a very warm welcome to the eForum Family, it's always great to see new faces on here .
I'm sorry to hear of your mobile broadband issues, I'm confident I can help you resolve these though . Is this is the PAYG modem that you're using? If so then error 619 is often caused by the software trying to connect with the Contract Settings or vice versa. I'd recommend going to Tools > Account type and ensuring it is set correctly.
Let me know how you get on .
eForum Team
14-04-2010 08:21 PM
16-04-2010 09:02 AM
16-04-2010 02:18 PM
14-10-2010 05:03 PM
16-10-2010 03:29 PM