14-06-2010 03:26 PM
14-06-2010 03:36 PM
14-06-2010 03:56 PM
14-06-2010 03:57 PM
If you are connecting using the WiFi on your phone, Vodafone would be unable to charge for using your home broadband connection.
If you were connecting through contract internet, then it would be charged as you would then be making a connection through the network.
14-06-2010 09:05 PM
Seriously? I buy the suresignal box, I pay for the network it is routed over, and I still get charged the same as if it was using the cellular network? I can understand that calls with the termination charges and so on can't suddenly drop to free, but it seems hard to justify charging for internet access when it's me providing the network.
15-06-2010 09:36 AM
VF are still providing the network if you are using 3G and the SS
The 3G signal is routed from your SS through a VPN tunnel to the Voda servers before being routed out to the internet
15-06-2010 09:44 AM
Why on earth would I want Vodafone to route my traffic through a VPN tunnel to their servers before routing it out to the internet? That's an overhead that adds no value other than allowing Vodafone to bill me for that overhead.
15-06-2010 02:37 PM
15-06-2010 02:47 PM
Hi martin
I can certainly see your point of view, connecting to data via your home wifi connection is free as you know, as such users often take advantage of this.
In terms of the Sure Signal this does not nullify any data charges for traffic used while connected to it.
eForum Team
28-06-2010 06:56 PM
Thanks. My particular issue is that in my house the Sure Signal 3G signal goes further than my wifi signal.
Plus if no-one mentions the oddity of this, nothing is ever going to change.