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Vodafone Sure Signal v2 with BT Home Hub 5

4: Newbie


I have been using my Sure Signal for the last 18 months with very little issue and now I have managed to get a  Home Hub 5 to replace my BT Openreach Modem and Technicolor Router, which I thought would be a step up. It should have been a straight swap from what I have seen on some forums, however I have found that the Sure Signal wouldn't connect when I got the new router in place. I subsequently completed a hard reset of the Sure Signal with no improvement. Digging a little deeper I have found that there may have been ports that needed to be opened, so I opened the requesit ports, reset the Sure Signal and still no good. In both of these cases the Sure Signal lights flash, for a period of about 20 minutes, then only the Power light remains on. As I assume that there are many users with Home Hub 5's that also use Sure Signals I can only assume that they should function together, but I am having no luck. I swapped the Home Hub back for the Openreach Modem and Technicolor Router, hard reset the Sure Signal again and within an hour I had signal again.

I really want to be able to use the Home Hub, however I am not sure what else I can do as I need the Sure Signal to get ANY level of coverage in my house. It appears to be a multi-network black hole (when I moved in we had SIMs from all networks to try and find out what we could do and none seem to get indoor coverage unless I put a phone in the window, in which case Vodafone's was 'better') which is not great as it stands, hence the Sure Signal.


I would be very appreciative of any input regarding this matter.


Kind regards


Well djmaitla, I think you are one of the lucky ones.  I had exactly the same setup as you and had connection for 45 mins before the SS3 called it a day and stopped working.  I plugged the SS3 straight back into a second line I had with broadband and it worked first time. My neighbour has SS3 and HomeHub 5 and his is also working perfectly. It all seems very random.

After several months of trying to get our BT Business Hub 5 to work with our SS3 I have given up - our Voda contract was coming to an end, so I took the opportunity to switch to EE - I can get a decent signal with them here, so no need for any other electronic trickery.


From what I could work out, after being sent running round in rings by Voda and others trying stuff which was never going to work, it would seem that the SS3 requires PPPoA  network protocol (Point to Point Protocol over ASDL) to work, whereas BT fibre is nearly all PPPoE (PPP over ethernet). Some early installations of BT fibre are PPPoA and that may be why some can get it to work and other can't. 


Anyone want a hardly-used SS3? - it'll be up on ebay soon!

Community Manager
Community Manager



Please supply us with your current information of - 

Your speed test results from here.

Your ping test results from here.

Your external IP address from here.

The results of a traceroute.


Your Sure Signal serial number:


VSS Traceroute command

On a PC:

Click on Start and select Run

Type CMD into the Run box and press enter/click ok

A black box will appear.

In this box type tracert press Enter

Paste the output of this command into your reply.

This will help us get the quickest possible resolution for you.


Here we go again....

Speedtest upload 37.4  dowloand 9.42

Pingtest Ping 18ms Jitter 1ms Line quality B*

IP address

SS3 Serial no 42151154988



Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops

  1     1 ms     1 ms     1 ms  BTHUB5 []
  2    15 ms    14 ms    15 ms [81.134
  3    14 ms    14 ms    14 ms
  4    16 ms    16 ms    16 ms
  5    15 ms    15 ms    15 ms
  6    15 ms    15 ms    15 ms
  7    15 ms    15 ms    15 ms [109.159.2
  8    15 ms    15 ms    15 ms [109.159
  9    15 ms    15 ms    15 ms [213.121.193
 10    19 ms    19 ms    19 ms []
 11    17 ms    16 ms    17 ms
 12     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 13     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 14     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 15     *        *        *     Request timed out.

Community Champion (Retired)
Community Champion (Retired)

SRM - i have many SS devices running on FTTC (not BT infinity, but the same technology) and they are fine.


Nothing at all to do with PPPoA/PPPoE or MTU size (which is the main factor) as the 1500 used by PPPoA is reduced to 1492 by PPPoE as an extra byte of data is needed in the header, making it 1500 anyway.


I'm not sure why VF offer that as their final clause, as an internet connection is an internet connection... governed by the modem and router making the call.


It's all down to the router manufacturer, along with the ISP, to not mess around too much with standard settings, locking away options that should be available to allow 'not too common' traffic to traverse it.


Becuase the SS needs to make a bi-directional secure vpn link back to the vodafone network to carry the voice traffic (you would probably be pretty annoyed if someone could snoop on your calls though your router) and BT have not accounted for this, that is why it does not work.

The later hubs have a "port clamping" mode, that does not play silly games with vpn links, and is generally a good fix to things not connecting.


Ditch the HH, and replace with something a bit more open, and not geared to the masses who just want to watch cat videos on facebook, and you will find it works fine. (the latest netgear home offerings are almost just as bad, so avoid)



Anyways - glad things are now better on EE, and hope you find someone who wants a nearly new SS... although be aware, if it does not connect for over 3 months, you may be selling a brick anyway

Thanks for your reply, @grolschuk


My BT Business Hub 5 does have a port clamping option, and it is enabled, so I don't think it's that. Putting the SS3 into the DMZ doesn't seem to work either.


Voda customer service tell me that "Vodafone sure signal Service is only guaranteed on a PPPoA internet connection type" - has anyone ever got their SS3 working through Home/Business Hub 5 to BT Infinity?


Yes my neighbough has BT Infinity Home and SS3.  Worked fine for him from day 1.  I put in BT Business Fibre (from the same road side cabinet) with my SS3 and it would not work despite input from BT and Vodafone. I gave up, took Infinity out and carried on with ADSL. I have spoken to several other fibre suppliers and none will guarantee that SS3 will work and several said its pot luck!