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Vodafone Ultra 6 warranty Pay as you go

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

Sorry to re visit this problem again


I have today taken my Vodafone Ultra six in for repair as it has issues with the touch screen. 


I showed the assistant in the shop the warranty information on the web site. He reluctantly accepted what the web site said and booked the phone in for repair. When I was given the Vodafone repair booking record it had CHARGEABLE written across it but he told me this was nothing to worry about. On getting home closer inspection revealed that the job was Out of Warranty repairable with a charge of £66.


I previously took my son's phone for repair when it was over one year old and it said on the repair sheet Job type, In warranty charge, £0.00.


Obviously I am rather concerned that when I go to collect the phone they will want me to pay £66.


How can I get in touch with some one from the UK who can confirmfirm that this product comes with a two-year warranty and ensure that I can just go to the store and collect my phone free of charge when it is repaired?


Thanks for any help any one can give me.


17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion



It has a 24 month warranty. This wouldn't cover issues by a drop or water damage. 


The exception to this is iPhones which have 12 months. 


It's all on Vodafone website. 


Ive seen similar threads where vodafones systems has raised a chargeable fee when booked in. 


Id pop back to that shop to raise this with the employee. 



Current Phone  >

Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.



Thank you for taking the time to reply. I have also seen the previous threads about this issue but no onee has ever said how the problem was, or was not resolved by Vodafone.  After numerous attempts to speak to Vodafone but coming up again foreign call centre staff who do not understand my issues I have written to the customer relations manager at Newbury asking for clarification of the Warranty.


I have kept the limited amount of paper work sent with the phone non of which mentions the length of warranty, infact the safety and warranty leaflet only contains safety information.


I will update this thread when I receive a reply from Vodafone at Newbury but in the mean time if any one has had a conclusion to this problem I would be interested to hear what the outcome was.



Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)



If you'd like any further information on the status of your repair after speaking with the Newbury store, please refer to our repairs page. 



17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

I'm not quite sure why the repair was shown as chargeable at this stage, and the shop should have been able to explain that, assuming I've understood correctly that they completed the paperwork.   The only reaon I can think of is that they're not aplying the 24 month warranty period correctly.   Normally, my understanding is that shops will send the phone off and then the repair centre will decide whether it's in or out of warranty, based on condition.

Edited to add: I've juist noticed Lee's observation about repairs being booked in as chargeable.  I haven't seen that, and the shop should certainly be able to clarify.

All the employees at the Hanley store think that the warranty on Pay as you go phones is one year and the lady at the Stafford store was also convinced that it one year. She was rude to say the least boasting how she had worked for Vodafone for ten years.


A lot of the Vodafone staff need to learn about customer relations. I am sure my employer would be delighted to provide appropriate courses for a suitable fee. 


I will wait for the customer services people to come back to me, I am not making another 40 mile round trip to talk to the staff at the Hanley store without confirmation from Vodafone UK that the warranty is valid.


It is a competative market, I am likely to take my custom else where in future.

Just to clarify the phone was described by the assistant in the shop as being "excellent condition, as new no damage"  so they are not implying it would not be a warranty claim due to abuse or damage.

I have had a phone call from Vodafone Social media team this evening.


We had a chat in which he confirmed that the warranty should be 24 months. I suggested that he should contact Vodafone UK headquarters and ask them to issue a memo to all their shop staff pointing out that warranty's are for two years but he seemed a little reluctant to do this. I also asked him to contact the shop on my behalf and point out to them that I am entitled to a 2 year warranty.


They then sent me an email which is copied below:


"Thanks for your time on the call today.

As we discussed, I can confirm that all our devices other than Apple products come with a 24-month warranty.

This warranty doesn't cover accidental or liquid damage.

We need to wait for the repair centre to check the device and make sure the issue is covered.

If you need any further advice please let us know.


I will see what happens and awate a written response from the Customer Services Manager at Vodafone UK HQ at Newbury.



17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

Sadly, this issue seems to persist, but I believe reminders have gone out.   Clearly, as regards condition, each repair has to be treated individually.

Was asked contact the repair centre today and on ringing them was told that the SIM tray was damaged and they would not warranty repair the phone.


When I first received the phone the SIM tray facia cracked, not a surprise as It is made of the weakest plastic you could imagine. At the time I contacted Vodafone and asked them to send a replacement SIM holder. They said they could not but would arange for one to be available in the Derby store. As the minor damage had no effect on the operation of the phone I just could not be bothered to drive all the way to Derby and back.


The refusal of the repair centre to warranty repair the phone really sound me up. I spoke to Customer services in South Africa, got transferred to India and was cut off immediately.


This was close to being the final straw and a bit of research found the number for Vodafone UK HQ. I rang the switchboard, outlined my prob!em and told them I had written the the UK customer complaints manager. BINGO, they then happily put me through to a customer service person in the UK.


We had a chat about the problem and as a compromise he offered a brand new ultra 7 for £30 as I had not replaced the SIM tray and apparently there is no record of my conversation with the help line back in October 2015. I decided that this was a reasonable compromise, I need a working phone for work by Sunday morning.


The ultra 6 will be sent back, it still works but not very well so it can serve as a spare.


If you need confirmation of two year warranty and to talk to some one in the UK then search Vodafone Newbury ring them then tell them you have written to the customer complaints manager and you will get to speak to a British person.


Vodafone need to look closely at the way they treat customers with regards to complaints. Most importantly they need to stop the staff in the shops liying about the length of warranty's, if they are not lying then EDUCATE them!