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Vodafone smart prime 6 slooooow!!

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

JUst got my new phone as its so slow ,constant stutters and lags very flustrating to use.ive changed from lumia 520 and its loads faster!!!

any ideas on getting this useless brick to run faster?


17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion




Have you recently completed any firmware updates ? If so complete a back up and factory reset. 


The Vodafone Smart Prine 6 has 1gb of Ram to the Lumias 512 MB RAM as well as different Cores, so it should be faster due to the upscale in specs. 


However different things can help to make a phone lag. 


I would suggest closing the Apps and relaunch. Try a soft reboot by turning it Off and On. Delete anything that your not going to use if the phone allows the deletion. 


Perhaps try a different browser if pages are not loading as fast as you'd like.


Does this happen everywhere or in one place. Mast issues and or mast congestion can affect your experience. 



Current Phone  >

Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.



tried a reset and deleted anything im not using and updated .The stutter and lagging is usually after i try and open a few apps it sometimes takes 4-5 seconds for a screen press to respond

17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

That is something I would expect to hear only after the prolonged use of the phone after its started to fill its onboard storage.


You mention this occurs when you have a few Apps open. How many Apps are open when this starts to happen. It's possible the phones RAM could be struggling.


You may need to micro manage the phone by closing down Apps regularly. There is Split opinion on wether a user should do this because when you leave an App it's supposed to sit there in a suspended state so leaving it like that instead of killing it means when you decide to re launch the App it's meant to open faster.


The other thoughts are is that some Apps don't sit 100% in a suspended, and are still working using power, RAM and in some cases Data. 


The Onboard Storage of 8Gb isn't great as this can soon be taken up with the OS. OS Updates and Apps and downloaded data.


How much of this do you have available to use ?


If you have a SD Card in the phone then move pictures, videos and music to it. 


I see you don't have any pending updates in your Software Update section in the phone. Did you perform a Factory Reset after any recent updates ? It maybe an idea to perform one anyway. Create a BackUp first to preserve your data , contacts etc. 


A person has a Colling Off period of 14 Days to return the phone if they change their mind. 


For faulty phones its 14 days for a straight swap out or 15-30 Days they'd typically send it off to be checked to see if it is faulty before swapping it out,or if 15-30+ days it's repair. 



Current Phone  >

Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.



17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

I agree with bandofbrothers.   If you clear recent apps, does that improve things?  I have an elderly tablet that regularly fills up its RAM and this keeps it going moderately well.

it does seem a bit quicker if i clear slows down after i open 2 or more apps!! surely this shouldnt happen?

17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

I wouldn't expect it, certainly, though it rather depends on whether you have some particularly demanding apps.  The tablet in question has had a couple of OS updates and its spec is getting well behind the demands of that and today's apps.   The Smart Prime ought to be able to cope, so I don't think it's that.


It's possible that you've almost filled the storage and it's running out of somewhere to put its temporary files and caches.  Adding an external SD card should help with that and you can also move apps to it.  I had an earlier device from the Smart range and I didn't have to do anything, it just colonised the card itself - though not to the extent of moving apps.


You could also drop into a Vodafone shop and ask them to have a look.   It'll depend on how tech-savvy they are.  Some staff are very well up on that kind of thing, others less so.   They might be able to spot something obvious.   I feel this is less likely to be a fault than something in the pattern of use, though it's hard to tell what at this distance.

17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

@rushy7 wrote:

it does seem a bit quicker if i clear slows down after i open 2 or more apps!! surely this shouldnt happen?

I agree with @hrym that opening a couple of apps shouldn't cause that especially with its specs. 


If your local to a Vodafone shop then I'd pop in and have a play with a demo model to see if opening a couple of apps on it causes a similar experience. 

Current Phone  >

Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.



My Smart Prime 6 was OK till I loaded Buzz Launcher then it started going slow and stalling on rendering images. I loaded CCleaner, ran a scan & clean and it has worked perfectly now for several weeks, (still using Buzz) with no sign of the previous stalling.

ill give ccleaner a go ,thanks