18-08-2016 11:59 AM
I am having an issue with the repairing of my LG G4 through the Vodafone repair service. I took the device into my local store on the 27th July, and was advised that as it was under warranty that this would be repaired within 8 or 9 days.
After several chasing live chats and visits to store, I finally received a call from them today (more than 3 weeks later) to confirm that due to a small mark on the edge of the phone, that this was not to be covered by warranty and would be chargeable at £144. I asked if the mark was in any way linked to the defect of the device and was advised that it was not linked at all.
To make matters worse, when I sent the phone off on the 27th July, Vodafone were unable to give me a replacement handset. As the member of staff put it “I know we are supposed to be a phone shop, but we don’t have any phones”. So I was forced into buying a new phone online at my own expense.
So now to be told that after 3+ weeks I will have to pay £144 for a phone that’s now worth £140 at best, that is under warranty and without being given a courtesy phone is incredibly frustrating and ridiculous
When Vodafone called me and convinced me to return as a customer I had my doubts, as their customer service has taken a bashing in the media the past few months. I never expected to regret leaving EE so soon. What do you think the best course of action would be for me to take, short of finding the email of the CEO (I don’t want to be that person, but am quite happy to be if needed). As I feel that if a phone is under warranty, it should be treated as such and repaired quickly. Neither of which is happening, and for which I am paying monthly for the privilege.
18-08-2016 12:16 PM - edited 18-08-2016 12:20 PM
I assume they think issues may have been caused by a drop shown up by the mark on the phone ?
I would suggest asking for the phone back and approach the manufacturer instead for help via their uk online help page. Link > LG uk Support.
The shops can supply loan phones if they have one availableat the time to people on eligable tariffs.
I assume a colleague or family member has a spare phone in a drawer somewhere hence why you decided to buy a phone.
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.
18-08-2016 12:26 PM
Hi there
The key thing here is the damage. Any form of physical damage can void your warranty. Do remember that Vodafone are a third party repairer and will have very strict guidelines to adhere to with regards to doing an in warranty repair. Physical damage is one of the many things that prevents them from doing a repair under warranty.
You may be best off contacting the manufacturer directly as they will have more leeway when it comes to doing an in warranty repair.
18-08-2016 01:57 PM
Thanks both for your replies. I have sent a repair request off to LG support so I will see how that goes. The vodafone repair centre confirmed the very minor cosmetic damage to the outside of the phone was nothing to do with the defect so I am slightly confused why this forms part of the Warranty policy and thus means my now brick of a phone cant be repaired under warranty for a totally unrelated fault?
I am assuming the LG request will take a few days, and in the mean time my phone is still sitting in the repair centre which you can appreciate is very inconvenient. Also, how come it has taken over three weeks to get to this conclusion? Is this usual or do I have further grounds for complaint over the time it has taken to essentially tell me there is nothing they can do unless I pay more than the phone is worth?
11-10-2016 07:55 AM
I posted the below last night but have just realised that it is in the IOS forum.
This seems the most relavant place actually - so I am re-posting (not sure if there are moderators to move things around?)
It would be useful if the OP had an update of any kind?
Just seen this thread and thought I would share my experience.
In November last year I purchased outright an LG G4 from Vodaphone. At the time, I researched and found there was a common fault with a chip in the device which meant on occasion the phone died after a few weeks / months.
I asked the store about this and they said they had a new batch, the fault should now be fine but if not it had a 2 year guarantee.
Three weeks ago the phone died.
I took it back into the store who sent it away to be repaired under warranty.
It was returned 2 weeks later and I got a text to collect.
I went to the store and was told it was a chargeable repair because of damage on the case.
I looked at this and explained to the staff member the phone had been in a case and had been protected. The ‘damage’ was cosmetic chips on the base where the case wrapped around and a key or coins had rubbed against it. Very minor. The screen, back and sides were flawless and as new. No trauma has occured to the device at all. The staff member agreed and stated ‘it was what the excuse they used to get out of the warranty’.
They also agreed that cosmetic damage was unavoidable over the life of a guarantee.
I was alarmed by Vodaphones stance and wrote a complaint email.
I also called the complaints line and spoke to someone in cape town. They asked me to go back to the store and said that although he couldn’t contact the store, he had left a message and added details to the system. He assured me this had he had done this as I explained it was an hour’s journey to the store.
I went back and the assistant manager stated they had no messages and no notes on the system. He refused to discuss my phone and said it was not a warranty repair and there was nothing he could do.
I attempted to call the same person who advised me – only for my spare phone to run out of charge. The store would not charge my phone, would not phone the person to confirm details (their own complaints number) and would not contact customer services to attempt to resolve.
After receiving no reply to my first email, I re-sent it and had a call. They confirmed that they would not fix the phone under warranty. I asked again and had them confirm that they were saying that the cosmetic damage on the outside of the phone meant they refused to honour the guarantee. The person even stated that they hadn’t attempted to open the phone to fault find the actual issue.
After hearing this, I was astounded and explained to the person I wanted to record this for confirmation so I had a record. I switched on my call recorder app and indeed he repeated this for me.
I have since contacted trading standards and on their advice have resent the email with the additional requests for a copy of the full warranty, terms and conditions and formalising that the phone is not of satisfactory quality and a free repair is required.
I have yet to hear back.
I have also attempted to use the dispute resolution link online – the link does not work
Copies of correspondence have been forwarded to the ombudsmen today.
This is the 4th phone I have purchased and the 1st I have had an issue with. A complete nightmare in terms of the service and support. I will not be purchasing from Vodaphone again and in fact due to the refusal to honour the guarantee I have now been forced to purchase another device (obviously from another provider).
Customer service is how many businesses are judged and I’m afraid the way this has been dealt with and the ‘cowboy’ attempt to wriggle out of a guarantee based on a blanket approach is unacceptable and in my mind a disgrace.
PS - I have (hopefully) attached a picture of the reason the warranty has attempted to be voided.