08-12-2013 10:15 PM
MY VSS 1 has stopped working, and after trying to reset/ resync it every day for 10 days I have decided enough is enough. I will have to get a new VSS as this one is out of warranty. However, I dont want to get one that does not work with Infinity. I was told by Tech Support that there are no known issues with VSS1, but BT home hub 3 is an issue with all of Vodafone Sure signals. (How come I was not told that information until my VSS1 had stopped working?) So I will have BT home hub 3, fibre optic braodband with high upload and down load speed. Which VSS should I get to ensure I have trouble free VSS service.
10-12-2013 01:46 PM
10-12-2013 06:15 PM
my SN SN 21230510063
11-12-2013 06:45 PM
Hi Bosworth1
I have resynced your device as requested here.
The BT device and the Sure Signal will work together.
Please let me know how you get on.