26-07-2017 07:45 AM
Wifi calling on my iPhone 6s has stopped working since the upgrade to 10.3.3 on Monday. Previously it had been working for 18 months or longer on this and previous handsets.
Vodafone have disabled and re-enabled WiFi calling on my account. On the handset itself network settings have been reset, numerous soft resets - which only caused "waiting for activation" message to come up and WIFi Calling to switch from this on but awaiting activation state to simply being switched off again all by itself.
Finally after speaking with Apple 2nd level (senior) support late yesterday the phone has been completely wiped and restored as a new phone with a clean install of 10.3.3 using iTunes.
Still to no avail - phone is now steadfastly refuses to even enable WiFi Calling, insisting I must call Vodafone UK to have it activated.....
I was told by a helpful Vodafone adviser last night that several iPhone users had reported and experienced the same issue after the 10.3.3 upgrade - he had personally dealt with 3 such cases yesterday.
I'm now waiting the obligatory 24 hours that VF insit the account changes can take to propagate through the network. Phone has been switched on and off several times since the last call with VF adviser at 8pm last night
Has anyone else had this problem and resolved it?
26-07-2017 06:01 PM
hmmnn suggesting vodafone issue...
26-07-2017 06:39 PM
Definitely seems like a vodafone issue. However downgrading ios to 10.3.2 doesn't fix either from my current attempt.
26-07-2017 09:55 PM
Thanks for trying the downgrade. I wont bother with it then.
Sound like its the carrier network settings from VF that's at fault rather than iOS. Lets hope Apple and VF get it together and roll out a update asap.
27-07-2017 08:05 PM
Bumping to see if others have come up w any solution yet
27-07-2017 08:14 PM
Aaaaand it just mysteriously started working again for me
27-07-2017 09:37 PM - edited 27-07-2017 09:39 PM
Mines still broken. I saw your update, so I just tried switching the phone off and on.
Previously WFC was defaulting to 'off' and could not be switched 'on'. Now it's back to defaulting to 'on' but with the dreaded "waiting for activation..." message
I've changed cell location but otherwise that's about it....the whole thing is bizarre.
27-07-2017 09:51 PM - edited 27-07-2017 09:52 PM
....and it's back to defaulting to "off" again and not able to be switched "on".
All the the signs are it's a VF network / carrier settings issue. Ho hum....
27-07-2017 10:50 PM
Ok mine has just started working!
no idea why as nothing immediately caused it...but for the record here's what I did:
contacted VF several times and asked them reinstate/reinstall wifi calling. No idea if they did or not...assume they did.
i restarted phone several times
i backed up phone ready to restore back to 10.3.2 but saw above it did not remedy situation. So I reset network settings only, then logged back into my home wifi.
next day, I went to local cafe and logged into wifi there. So far wifi calling still off. Took call out of wifi range.
came back home, been home several hours, just noticed it's back on!
so....conclusion...? Reinstall wifi calling, reset network settings...login...go somewhere else...login there...come back to original network...hey presto...?
let's see if it lasts....
28-07-2017 01:07 PM
Can't quite believe it....but looks like it's started working again, all by itself.
Lets hope it sticks!
(definitely points to a VF network and/or provisioning issue for WFC).
26-07-2017 04:12 PM
me too! 10.3.3 update to my 6s on Sunday resulted in wifi calling switched off on phone: Push slider to turn on...check enable...wheel spins, tells me to contact VF.
Which I did, they removed wifi calling and reinstalled in (twice I think but who knows?). Now I cannot toggle wifi calling off. they have not acknowledged it is widespread problem (to me anyway), but at least I am not alone!
I have resisted doing reset of network settings...but interesting above total reinstall did not fix problem...but someone else could get wifi calling on different network...
very annoyed as I have to rely on wifi calling as signal where I live is appalling...
what to do...?