22-07-2012 11:03 PM
Hi All
I've just got one of these devices as I work on a ship and I'm away for long periods and it allows me to keep in touch with the family.
It works really well. However one massive disappointment is the fact that if you press the power button twice the unit displays the SSID and the passcode !!!!!
Needless to say, people have been helping themselves to my wifi connection.
It seems the only way to stop them doing this is to use MAC selective connection - that way only devices I authorise will be allowed to connect. However I've tried several times to add my laptop and my phone, but the software just says "loading" but nothing happens and the screen just starts back where it started.
Is this a known fault ?
I go away again on Wednesday and really want this resolved before I go so that my data doesnt get eaten up by unwelcome guests !!!
23-07-2012 12:12 PM
Hi Graham,
I can imagine this is frustrating!
Have you tried resetting the device? I could be that there is a bug in the software that a reset will resolve.
To do this hit the reset button located under the battery cover.
24-07-2012 11:48 AM
I've used the reset button several times, but makes no difference. I think the fault is in the PC software not the device. Alas the Vodafone website doesn't list any DM software specifically for the R205 that I can see.
This is VERY disappointing come on Vodafone catch up .......
What on earth posessed the designes to make such a ridiculous design fault ?
24-07-2012 04:46 PM
I assume you are using this screen?
If so which browser are you using?
Have you tried using a different web browser?
24-07-2012 09:50 PM
Yes that is the screen I'm using. I'm using IE8 - what would you suggest i try instead ? Have heard mention of Firefox being better - ?
25-07-2012 07:35 AM
I would try either Firefox or Google Chrome.
Both browsers support web standards better than IE8 so there is a chance this could be your fix.
You could also try upgrading to IE9.
26-07-2012 06:45 PM
OK well here's the update.
Have tried IE9, Firefox and Chrome - still the same problem. The software sees my lptops MAC address, but when you click ADD, the screen says "LOADING" but doesn't actually do anything.
But I have also identified another problem. When the "Loading" symbol is finished doing NOTHING and the screen reverts to the login as previously described. You will also find that your login password no longer works either. You have to reset the WiFi dongle back to factory settings to cure the problem.
I went into the Vodafone shop in Gravesend today and all they suggested I do was go and visit another Vodafone shop in Bluewater where one of the Tech guys hangs out.
My contract is nearly up ...... where shall I take my business.......??
27-07-2012 12:54 PM
Hi Watugi
Thank you for your posts and a very warm welcome to the eForum.:smileyhappy:
I cannot understand why this is not connecting unless there was a programme on the laptop which is conflicting, so I have spoken to our team in the know and they have advised that the R205 has a default password which is on a sticker on the device, whenever a device requests to use the R205 the password will need to be entered so unless they have the password they would be unable to connect.
If you want you can also change the password using the administration site and this way only users you want to connect are the ones you chose to give the password.
Let me know how you get on.
Many Thanks
eForum Team
28-07-2012 12:33 AM
There is a slight design flaw with the R205 whereby you press the button twice and it shows the wifi password on the screen. The problem Watugi is having is that people are getting hold of the device and finding out the password thus allowing them to connect.
The device has a feature where you can limit the machines that have access by the MAC address.
Watugi is trying to add the MAC address of his machine to the list of allowed addresses, it is this process which is failing.
Hope i got that right Watugi?
I assume the R205 has something running on its web server that has either become corrupt or broken in some way.
Watugi, how old is the device? Would it be worth a repair/replacement if still under warranty? It could be a fault with the software on the device so this may resolve it.
28-07-2012 08:50 PM
You're absolutely right in your description of the problem.
The unit is only a month old - so yes i t is still under warranty. I'm not prepared to send it away and be left with no way of contacting my family, given its age I would expect Vodafone to replace it and to show me that new unit will do what they claim it will.
Being stuck on board a ship is limiting my options as far as going to speak to a Tech expert in person.
I need somone from Vodafone to get their hands on an R205 and try and do what I'm attempting to do so that they can see the problem first hand. I went for this unit because the salesman assured me that I could make it secure to prevent un authorised access - so as far as I'm concerned it has been mis sold to me.
I'm really fed up now because I've used up my data allocation for this month (or rather other people have) so the unit has now defaulted to Edge connection until next month.
If this isn't resolved soon I will be returning it for a full refund under the sale of goods act !!!!