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Windows 8 Limited Connectivity

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

Seems there is a problem with Vodafone dongles on windows 8. So far I have used a couple of dongles. The only one I have a model number for is the K3770. I have tried it with the newest Mobile Broadband Software, version 10.3.210. The Vodafone software itself says its connected and when Norton is installed it says that it has detected a mobile Internet connection and turns on a kind of low usage mode (I've tried it with and without Norton by the way). The problem comes when you bring up the settings through the charms and it shows the connection as Limited and won't load any pages.
I have so far tested 2 dongles on 3 different laptops and get the same issue on ll of them. All the laptops are brand new with fresh installs of Windows 8.

Hopefully that's all the info you need but just let me know if you need anything else.

Thanks a lot

Hi Headcheese,

Thank you so much for your post, hope you can help me out as it is doing my head in.

I will just go answer by anwer as I don't fancy to start rumbling into the registry. 

1. How did you upgrade to Windows 8
This was pre installed on my laptop when I bought it a week and a half ago

2.And just to check, other devices can use Vodafone data services OK in the location you're experiencing this? Have you experienced this issue in more than onelocation? (we're ruling out localised network faults here)
Yes, that is no problem as I tried it out at home on my old laptop. It is working fine on that device and browsing is no problem.

3. Based on what you mentioned it sounds like you can't browse to IP addresses. Is this the case? (we're ruling out DNS issues here)
Indeed, browsing is impossible as well as pinging a website address or fill out the ip addresses

4. A green light means GPRS/EDGE and a blue light means 3G. The real ksy is if they are flashign or solid. A flashing state means the dongle has found a signal, but not connected a solid state means that the dongle thinks it's connected. From what you've mentioned I'm guessing your light is solid, but pelase can you confirm. (we're trying to establish the true connection status of the deivcce here)

The blue light is solid (once I have that), the green as well but sometimes blinks green after connection has been made.


5. I take it youc an browse the web OK when using a non-Vodafone connection (ADSL broadband for example). (we're ruling out underlying issues with the Windows 8 OS here)
Yes, that has been tested in the shop as they thought that the problem occured because windows 8 was not yet registred. So they registred the software through their Wi-Fi network. All fine there and they have tested that i could browse the net.
Wi-Fi works with the dongle as well as the laptop (without the dongle)


6. Also, have you tried testing with another browser (firefox or google chrome, for example) to see if the same happens? (we're ruling out browser issues here).
No, as IE has be installed as internet software. Could not install Google Chrome because I do not have any network connection. Will try to see if I can get this installed tonight and let you know asap.

I will also check if the metered connection is switched off. Fingers Crossed!

Thanks again for all your help.

Here is hoping that we come one step closer to get this issue resolved.


Have a nice day.










16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Hi Stretch,


No worries. I know how much computers can do one's head in. I suspect they might have been designed to torment us rather than aid us :Smiling:


Right, I'll put my answers in bold, just to make them a bit easier to read:


1. How did you upgrade to Windows 8
This was pre installed on my laptop when I bought it a week and a half ago
Good news, a fresh clean install is a godo start, thanks for clarifying... it's not a Windows RT system you're using is it? Do you know what processor you have or which version of Windows 8 it is you have installed?


2.And just to check, other devices can use Vodafone data services OK in the location you're experiencing this? Have you experienced this issue in more than onelocation? (we're ruling out localised network faults here)
Yes, that is no problem as I tried it out at home on my old laptop. It is working fine on that device and browsing is no problem.

It sounds like you're using a different system in a different location. If you are, this isn't really a legitimate test as you're changing multiple components in the equation, making it impossible to deduce what component is failing. If I've got the wrong end of the stick here and the WIndows 8/K3770 setup is working fine ina different location, then there's nothing wrong with the equipment or it's configuration. You'remore likely to experiencing a localised fault on the network or something in the failing lcoation affecting signal strenght. So Another question I'm afraid. Is it the case that the WIndows 8 set up works in one location but not the other?

3. Based on what you mentioned it sounds like you can't browse to IP addresses. Is this the case? (we're ruling out DNS issues here)
Indeed, browsing is impossible as well as pinging a website address or fill out the ip addresses
Ping isn't a good test to do on the mobile network due to the latency involved. Although responses to ping can confirm success, a lack of response deosn't necasserily indicte failure. I gathered browsing wa san issue from yoru previous posts. I just want to check for sure though, if you open internet explorer and put in the address bar and press return does it load


4. A green light means GPRS/EDGE and a blue light means 3G. The real ksy is if they are flashign or solid. A flashing state means the dongle has found a signal, but not connected a solid state means that the dongle thinks it's connected. From what you've mentioned I'm guessing your light is solid, but pelase can you confirm. (we're trying to establish the true connection status of the deivcce here)

The blue light is solid (once I have that), the green as well but sometimes blinks green after connection has been made.

The light on the dongle needs to be solid (regardless of colour) if it's not, you're not actually connected.

Flashing light = not conencted won't be able to browse

Solid light = connected, and shoudl be able to browse

I'm not sure form the way you've worded your answer if the light is solid or flashing after connecting. Please can you confirm which it is?


Also, how are you actually connecting? For the K3770 to work with Widnows 8 you need to have Vodafone Mobile Broadband installed, so you can use that to connect, or you can connect via the native conneciton manager in Windows. Which are you using? Can you please detail (step by step) what it is that you're clicking on to establish a connection? Also, doe sit make any difference if you try connecting using different methods?:

Connecting via the WIndows 8 conneciton manager:

- Access the charms

- Click the signal strength indicator (looks like mobile phone signal bars)

- Clcik the Vodafone connection

- Click connect

Connecting via the Vodafone Mobile Broadband software

- Switch to classic desktop mode

- Double click the Vodafone icon on your desktop

- Wait for the Vodafone Mobile BRoadband software to find a signal

- Click connect

Do either of those methods above give you the ability to browse?


5. I take it you can browse the web OK when using a non-Vodafone connection (ADSL broadband for example). (we're ruling out underlying issues with the Windows 8 OS here)
Yes, that has been tested in the shop as they thought that the problem occured because windows 8 was not yet registred. So they registred the software through their Wi-Fi network. All fine there and they have tested that i could browse the net.
Wi-Fi works with the dongle as well as the laptop (without the dongle)

Good news you can use ADSL OK, this means certain things are working ont he computer. One quesiton though, what do you mean by "Wi-Fi works with the dongle" can you elabourate please?


6. Also, have you tried testing with another browser (firefox or google chrome, for example) to see if the same happens? (we're ruling out browser issues here).
No, as IE has be installed as internet software. Could not install Google Chrome because I do not have any network connection. Will try to see if I can get this installed tonight and let you know asap.
Installing a different browser will be tricky if you don't have any other available connection to obtain the download. Given that there are some things you've mentioned that need clarification (light status, how you're connecting, Wi-Fi works with the dongle) I wouldn't woirry about it too much. I might be able to offer further advice if you coudl answer the questions mentioned above.

Sorry to keep asking you more and more questions, but hopefully we should be able to get there.

Morning Headcheese,

Here we are again, another day... another day of hope lol.

Thanks for trying to help me out. I will try to answer the best I can to your questions. If you have more questions to ask me, feel free to do so. I have put my answers in Italic.


1. How did you upgrade to Windows 8
This was pre installed on my laptop when I bought it a week and a half ago
Good news, a fresh clean install is a godo start, thanks for clarifying... it's not a Windows RT system you're using is it? Do you know what processor you have or which version of Windows 8 it is you have installed?

No, it is not a windows RT system. Version of windows I don't know but the processor is AMD Dual Core E2-1800, 1.7 GHz, 1MB L2 cache memory.


2.And just to check, other devices can use Vodafone data services OK in the location you're experiencing this? Have you experienced this issue in more than onelocation? (we're ruling out localised network faults here)
Yes, that is no problem as I tried it out at home on my old laptop. It is working fine on that device and browsing is no problem.

It sounds like you're using a different system in a different location. If you are, this isn't really a legitimate test as you're changing multiple components in the equation, making it impossible to deduce what component is failing. If I've got the wrong end of the stick here and the WIndows 8/K3770 setup is working fine ina different location, then there's nothing wrong with the equipment or it's configuration. You'remore likely to experiencing a localised fault on the network or something in the failing lcoation affecting signal strenght. So Another question I'm afraid. Is it the case that the WIndows 8 set up works in one location but not the other? 

I have two laptops at home. The dongle works fine with windows vista but once I plug the dongle into the new laptop that is working on windows 8, it stops working. I have used different USB ports on the new laptop but still no result. I can connect to the dongle and status says connected with MB's running as well as time that you are connected. But once you go to the status on the windows rask bar (desktop down under right) it says either, no connection (although the light is solid on dongle), Limited connection or connected. Time and time again, unable to browse.

3. Based on what you mentioned it sounds like you can't browse to IP addresses. Is this the case? (we're ruling out DNS issues here)
Indeed, browsing is impossible as well as pinging a website address or fill out the ip addresses
Ping isn't a good test to do on the mobile network due to the latency involved. Although responses to ping can confirm success, a lack of response deosn't necasserily indicte failure. I gathered browsing wa san issue from yoru previous posts. I just want to check for sure though, if you open internet explorer and put in the address bar and press return does it load
Browsing is indeed a big issue here. I have put the IP address in and still comes up in IE as problems with displaying web page. Also tried to put in, no result.


4. A green light means GPRS/EDGE and a blue light means 3G. The real ksy is if they are flashign or solid. A flashing state means the dongle has found a signal, but not connected a solid state means that the dongle thinks it's connected. From what you've mentioned I'm guessing your light is solid, but pelase can you confirm. (we're trying to establish the true connection status of the deivcce here)

The blue light is solid (once I have that), the green as well but sometimes blinks green after connection has been made.

The light on the dongle needs to be solid (regardless of colour) if it's not, you're not actually connected.

Flashing light = not conencted won't be able to browse

Solid light = connected, and shoudl be able to browse

I'm not sure form the way you've worded your answer if the light is solid or flashing after connecting. Please can you confirm which it is?
The light is solid green or blue after connection but it does happen that once connected and you are a few minutes into your connection, that the green light is starting to flash green again. To make it solid again, you need to disconnect and then click on connect.


Also, how are you actually connecting? For the K3770 to work with Widnows 8 you need to have Vodafone Mobile Broadband installed, so you can use that to connect, or you can connect via the native conneciton manager in Windows. Which are you using? Can you please detail (step by step) what it is that you're clicking on to establish a connection? Also, doe sit make any difference if you try connecting using different methods?:

Connecting via the WIndows 8 conneciton manager:

- Access the charms

- Click the signal strength indicator (looks like mobile phone signal bars)

- Clcik the Vodafone connection

- Click connect

Connecting via the Vodafone Mobile Broadband software

- Switch to classic desktop mode

- Double click the Vodafone icon on your desktop

- Wait for the Vodafone Mobile BRoadband software to find a signal

- Click connect

Do either of those methods above give you the ability to browse?
I always try to connect via the Vodafone Mobile Broadband software (via the desktop). I do exactly the steps that you mentioned, unfortunately without any result.
First one did not work for some strange reason.


5. I take it you can browse the web OK when using a non-Vodafone connection (ADSL broadband for example). (we're ruling out underlying issues with the Windows 8 OS here)
Yes, that has been tested in the shop as they thought that the problem occured because windows 8 was not yet registred. So they registred the software through their Wi-Fi network. All fine there and they have tested that i could browse the net.
Wi-Fi works with the dongle as well as the laptop (without the dongle)

Good news you can use ADSL OK, this means certain things are working ont he computer. One quesiton though, what do you mean by "Wi-Fi works with the dongle" can you elabourate please?
I went to the shop where I bought the laptop from. What happened there was that the Vodafone dongle could pick up 3 Wi-Fi networks in the area so not via the wi-fi function on the laptop as I had switched it off.


I have also set the dongle to a non metered connection and still the same result.

The weired one of all, I find that is... Yesterday I had both laptops switched on. I needed to go on the internet for my work and to search information. I tried to gather more information regarding this problem. Once I switched from Windows 8 to my old laptop, the old laptop gave me the information that the DNS was missing (or could not be displayed or such). This is something that it has never done before. Once I restarted my system, internet was working fine again. Would that mean that there might be a problem with the DNS on the new laptop?

I can vagely remember something similar happening when I got BT broadband for the first time. I could connect to the internet although the status of the connection was local access only, connected or no connection with the same result... Could not browse the net.

I hope it helps you also a bit more to see what we still can do about the problem. 

I have all faith in you :smileyhappy:smileyhappy:


Thank you,

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Haha! Thanks. Your faith comment did make me smile.

Thank you very much for all the information it's very much appreciated and does allow us to rule some things out, which is a good start.


So firstly, let's look at what you don't have:

- You don't have a localised network issue, otherwise your Vista laptop would give similar errors

- You don't have DNS issues, otherwise browsing to google's IP address wouild have worked


There's also some interesting information that you've provided. It sounds like you're establishing the connection via the Vodafone Mobile Broadband (VMB) software and this is telling you you're connected, but Windows alwayts says "not connected" or "limtied connectivity". It also sounds like you can't access the native connection manager in Windows (the one I described getting at via the charms). This worries me. From the thigns I've doen with Windows 8 and VMB, the two seem to work pretty well together, even though they are both talking to the same device. Both Windows native connection manager and VMB use what's called an NDIS connection. This type of conneciton uses a network adapter in your device manager  (usually called something to do with mobile broadband or Vodafone). It's odd that both use the same connection, yet vmb can see and apparently use it, yet Windows can't. The plot thickens.What happens when you try and access the connection manager via the charms?




Things to check and try:

In your device manager (Switch to desktop view, open windows explorer - the folder icon on your task bar, click "computer" on the left hand side of the window that opens, click "computer" at the top of the window, click control pannel, click device manager). You should have:

- A Vodafone CD ROM drive (in the DVD/CD ROM section)

- A Vodafone Mobile Broadband Modem (in the modems section)

- A Vodafone Mobile Broadband network adapter (in the network adapter section)

- 2 x Vodafone com ports (in the com ports section)

Do you have all of these? Do any of them have ? or ! on them? If you have it might be worth refreshing the drivers for these components.


You can refresh all of these drivers by:

In the device manager:

- Right click the Vodafone network adapter

- Click disable

- Click view (at the top)

- Select devices by connection

- There will be a seciton expanded that has the disabled Vodafone network adapter in it

- Right click the parent USB device (it won't actually be called this, but it will have a USB icon and be the one closest to the disabled network adapter)

- Click remove

- Click actions

- Click scan for hardware changes

Windows will then plug and play all these components again.


Another thing to try might be to plug the device in, close VMB and then try the charms based connection. This will tell you if it's a conflict between VMB and Windows 8 trying to speak to the K3770 at the same time. When you close VMB you'll also need to go into the task manager and end any process that mention VMB, VMC and/or mobile broadband.


It might be worth trying to configure a dial up networking conneciton as well as this bypasses the network adapter (therefore doesn't use NDIS) so this will identify if you have an issue with the NDIS side of things. Here's how you do it (have the K3770 plugged in when you do this):

- open phone and modems: (Switch to desktop view, open windows explorer - the folder icon onyoru task bar, click "computer" on the left hand side of the window that opens, click "computer" at the top of the window, click control pannel, double click phone and modems)

- Click the modems tab

- Highlight the Mobile Broadband modem

- Click properties

- Click change settings

- Click advanced

- Enter one of the following initialisation commands (the one you need depends on your accoutn type... which I don't know):

at+cgdcont=1,"IP","internet" (if you are a contract/pay monthly customer)

at+cgdcont=1,"IP","smart" (if you're a pay as you go customer on a £5 for 250MB lasting up to 30days plan)

at+cgdcont=1,"IP","pp.internet" (if you're a pay as you go customer on a £15 for 1GB, lasting up to 90 days plan)

at+cgdcont=1,"IP","ppbundle.internet" (if you're a pay as you go customer on a £15 for 2GB lasting up to 30 days plan)

- Keep clicking OK until you're back at the control pannel

- Double click "Network and sharing center"

- Click "Set up a new network or conenction"

- Click "connect to the internet" click next

- Select "No, create a new conneciton" click next

- Click "DIal up" click next

- Choose the Vodafone Mobile broadband modem then click next

- In the relevant boxes enter:

  - Dial up number: *99***1#

  - username: web

  - password: web

  - connection name: VMB dial up

- Click connec tot test the connection


If you could let us know what happnes when you do this it would be great.


Also, how did you install VMB, did you install it from the K3770 or did you donwload it fromt he website. If you installed it from the K3770 it might well be worth getting the download from here. Remeber to uninstall the version of VMB you have before installing the version linked to in this post. The reason I suggest this is because you get some tools with the donwload that you don't get with the version formt he K3770. One of these is a tool called WDKDI which can be use dto clean the drivers off your system. If you do this I'd also highly recommend installign the VMB software after starting Windows in a selective start up mode:

Right click a tile (when in the modern UI/Metro view)

Click on “All Apps” in the bottom right hand corner

Click on Run

Type msconfig in the run prompt and press return

In the System Configuration Utility ensure the General tab is selected

Click on Selective Startup and make sure that "Load System Services" is the only item checked (You will be unable to unselect "Use Original BOOT.INI." This is OK).

Click the Services tab.

Select Hide all Microsoft Services. **Do not skip this step!**. You must hide the Microsoft Services before you go on to step 7.

Clear all the services that are still displayed on the Services tab by selecting “Disable All”.

Click Apply, then click OK.

Click Restart.


Actually, thinking about it, have you got any firewall type software running?  Have you tired disabling your antivirus?


So, again, sorry for all the do this, try that, what happens if, but we're still a little in the dark.


To be honest it's looking like you have a bit of an odd problem there. This is only a sugegstion and I'm happy to help you as best I can on here, but it might be worth putting a call into Vodafone customer services and go through some live trouble shooting. It's totally up to you and as I say I'm happy to help you here, you just might get to the bottom of things quicker with some live troubleshooting.


Good luck, and let us know how it all goes.




Hey Headcheese,

Thanks for you email back. I'm afraight I gave the dongle some free flying lessons yesterday.

I must admit that I don't loose my temper very fast, but guess yesterday was one of those moments that was out of my control.

Connecting via the charmes worked. I got connection but of course I could not connect to the internet. 
The odd one is... First it was connected, then limited connection and after that, no internet access.

When you asked me to do the following:

Things to check and try:

In your device manager (Switch to desktop view, open windows explorer - the folder icon on your task bar, click "computer" on the left hand side of the window that opens, click "computer" at the top of the window, click control pannel, click device manager). You should have:

- A Vodafone CD ROM drive (in the DVD/CD ROM section)

- A Vodafone Mobile Broadband Modem (in the modems section)

- A Vodafone Mobile Broadband network adapter (in the network adapter section)

- 2 x Vodafone com ports (in the com ports section)

Do you have all of these? Do any of them have ? or ! on them? If you have it might be worth refreshing the drivers for these components.

 I have all of these.

But then something strange happened. The dongle stopped working, fully working. I tried to re install the dongle again after deleting the software via uninstall programm (via control panel) but without any result. I tried it on the other laptop and it is working fine there. You can imagine that I am one frustrated woman at the moment with a big, sorry rephrase, very big question mark above my head. I have also a lot of computer knowledge but for some reason this is the oddest thing I have ever experienced in my whole life.

I think I might go back to the shop where I bought the laptop from as well as the Vodafone dongle so they can have a look at it there and then. And I won't leave before they get it sorted :Smiling: I will keep you posted what the outcome was. Cause we never know if other people might experience the same as what I have been through.


I already phoned Vodafone for live trouble shooting a while ago. They could not help me and said that I will be receiving an email shortly with steps that I can do to get it sorted. As of yet,... no email seen.

I really want to thank you for your all your help and effort trying to help me out. You can be sure that it really appreciated it.


Have a great weekend!

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member



Well, I have to say, you've been extremely patient so far, and I'm not surprised that it might be wearing a bit thin. I can totally relate, I've had to threaten one or two of my computers with pint glasses of water beofre now!


OK, so with regard to takign the dongle and laptop to the shop, if this is a Vodafoen shop please be aware that not all of them have a technicl presence. It's possibel that you might end up getting referred back to custoemr services. I mention this as I wouldn't want it to add to the frustration.


Also, you have one wierd problem there. It's not going to be easy to get to the bottom of. You're going to need to be speakign to a proper nerd who loves getting their teeth into a good problem to get it fixed.


The thing that worries me the most id the inconsistent behaviour on your Windows 8 machine. This isn't good. Usually problems are either there or their not, and the ones that are inconsistent are very tricky to fix. It's kind of liek a mind numbing game of kerplunk where you're pulling random straws out waiting for marbles to drop. I have big question marks abotu this too... what make and model is your Windows 8 system?


Given that you're getting a tad cheesed off with things this is what I'd do:

- Reinstall windows on your Windows 8 system (HP machines have a system restore option on start up, I'm not too sure about other machiens, it might be worth speaking ot the laptop manufacturer abotu this)


- Obtain the full and latest version of Vodafone Mobile Broadband on your VIsta machine.

- Copy the VMB download to a USB drive

- Use the USB drive to install VMB on the Windows 8 system.

The full version of VMB can be found here.

- Plug the K3770 in


I appreciate this soudns like a bit of a nightmare, but it will be a lot less painful than the ongoing troubleshooting you may well end up doing if you don't reinstall Windows.


Also, in your post you didn't mention the dial up networking side of things. It may be worth giving that a try. I'll see if I can get a moment to put a guide together on how to do this today (I'm not about at the weekend) in an effort to help. If I don't get the chance feel free to post any updates on here and I'll check back on Monday.


Fingers crossed for you.



As I mentioend in my previous post (which is worht reading first), here's a visual guid efor configuring a dial up networking connection in WIndows 8. It's a bit thrown together, but it shoudl help you work through the steps.


If half the images are cut off choose "web view" from the view menu.


Hope that helps.   

Hey Headcheese,


Thanks for your emails and putting the guide together.

Hope you had a good weekend.

I don't know what happened on my laptop or with the Vodafone dongle but... It is working now! JIHAAAW! :smileyhappy:


The dial up connection did also give up on me so there was nothing to about that. I got so fed up that we went straight to the first Vodafone Shop we came across in Glasgow.
Spoken to the helpdesk IT guys and gave me some basic advice, even that did not work. So they gave me a nice discount on my bill for all the hassle I got with the laptop and dongle. Which was nice of them.

So with the dial up connection or normal way of connecting not working, nore the advice given, I tried to change some things myself. Even until this day I don't have a scooby what I have done and which settings I have changed. Just when I came to the point of giving everything flying lessons, IE came up with the Google website. Browsing the internet worked as well as downloading, so I was pretty chuffed. To make sure that this was not only a one off, restarted the laptop and tried it again... All working. 

So whatever I did or did not do, it worked. Technology 0 - Humans 1 lol.

Thank you very much for trying to help me out. It is well and truly appreciated.

Have a nice day!

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member



Good to hear it's all working. Well done for having the patience of a saint, and getting there in the end.


I guess you must have changed somehting that was cuasing the problem, so well done. I must admit there's a part of me that's still curious as to what was causing your problems, but I guess we'll never know!


I hope things keep on ticking along nicely!



Hey Headcheese,


I am also curious what caused the problem. I know I have changed a few things on the laptop but still have no scooby as I had a look last night. 

So now there is hoping that it stays working or the laptop will be getting the hammer treatment :smileyhappy: