25-03-2015 10:15 AM
I dropped my iphone 5s down the toilet, is there any hope for it? It is currently drying out in a bag of rice so will leave it for as long as possible. Stupidly haven't got round to insuring it as i haven't had it very long so if it doesn't work is there anything else I can do other than buying a new phone?
it was only in for a second and got it out, dried it and turned it off! I'm absolutely gutted, don't think my contents insurance will cover it either. Please help
25-03-2015 10:19 AM
25-03-2015 10:45 AM
Thank you for replying, if I did this now and my phone doesn't work when I switch it on would I be able to claim straight away of would I have to wait?
25-03-2015 10:52 AM
Better not do that then! looks like i'll be saving up for a new phone
25-03-2015 12:08 PM
@charly123 wrote:Better not do that then! looks like i'll be saving up for a new phone
If it does not dry out then take it to an Apple store, they will do you a replacement phone for about £150, they have alo been known to swop out phones free of charge,
It is worth a try.