17-03-2016 10:56 AM
thanks, but its already been activated ages ago, the point is the option is not there in the was directly from vodafone, my daughter has the same phone edge + also direct from vodafone and still no wi fi option, the firmware is vodafome firmare, all is as it should be but no vodafone personell as any clue as to why its not there...the ONLY way to get it there is a custom firmware, you shouldn't have to do theses things though....
17-03-2016 04:21 PM
Yes, you need Vodafone firmware. Does the phone show the Vodafone logo when it starts up? Does it have any Vodafone-specific software on it? I haven't had a branded device for a while, so I'm not sure what they look like. As your daughter has the same phone, we can at least be confident that you know where and how to enable this. It almost sounds as though you've for some reason got an unbranded phone and the only answer might be either to return it for exchange if you're within the 14 day cooling-off period, or to send it for repair (which would be a reflash with Vodafone software).
In the first instance, if it's convenient, it might be helpful to drop into a Vodafone shop and get them to take a look. That'll depend on the level of staff expertise availabe at the time, but it's worth a go. They'd be able to advise re repair/exchange, too.
17-03-2016 04:46 PM
seems a bit odd the both phones from vodafone do not have the wifi calling option, and the battery drain is ridiculous, since they even took the option off to see which app was draining your battery incase you stopped the app, for money making purposes...i really like the phone but as the android operating system, absolute rubbish, ios is def to have 3 galaxy edge plus, 2 from vodafone with vodafone firmware, and the other (the wife's phone) which i bought unlocked new from carphone warehouse and is on uk generic firmware..hers does not use no where near the battey life as vodafone ones do...i only kept the voda firmware for the wifi calling but i haven't even got that..restrictions here, third party there, creates chaos on devices, and funny how the experts haven't got a clue..
18-03-2016 11:49 AM
When you say "they took the option off", do you mean that there isn't a battery usage monitor under Power in the main Settings menu? I'll admit I haven't looked lately, so I don't know whether that's part of Android or the Samsung customisation. I can't see why it would be removed or how it would be money-making, tbh. Recent versions of Android have tightened up on system access by 3rd party apps, so I'm not sure whether there are any of those that would do what you want.
I don't use wifi calling, so I'm hazy about how to set it up, but I believe you need the Call+ app - I assume you have this? I rather think the "enable" option is in the settings there.
If you're able to drop into a Vodafone shop, they should be able to have a look and see what needs doing.
As for operating systems, a lot comes down to what you're used to. I'm firmly in the Android camp and find iOS frustrating and counter-intuitive, but I'm sure I could get used to it if I had to.
18-03-2016 12:36 PM
the option to view battery usage is there but it tells you the basic, like screen, android system, my android system is using 50%, but if i click on android system it gives me a long list, before you could pin point to the specific app that was the problem, thats whats been removed since kit kat....and the optin to enable wifi calling should be in the phone settings under the phone app...cheers
18-03-2016 03:49 PM
I've just had a look at Google Play and there are various battery-related apps. I was attracted by Battery Doctor because I like the same developer's File Manager. It claims to help you identify apps that are draining your battery and might be worth a look.
Samsung devices often benefit from a factory reset after an OS update and this may itself solve your problem. Don't forget to sync your contacts and calendar and back up your content first. I also normally recommend removing any external sd card, but the S6 doesn't have this facility, does it?