17-10-2017 08:29 AM
I was virgin media customer and as the new house I bought not covered by them I signed up for the broadband with vodafone on 28/9/2017 by calling their sales team. They set it up for £24.99 including line rental and was told that was last day of the offer which I was happy with it. They set it up after running credit check and was accepted and gone through. After that I started to recieve messages and emails as well as letters through the post to welcome me with vodafone and they set up the direct debit to pay the monthly charges.
While I was waiting for the 12/10/2017 to have my broadband up and running, I recieved a letter by post to welcome me with vodafone but stragnely showed the monthly charges was £30 which was higher on the agreement on the phone, next day in the morning of 4/10/2017 thought to give the customer services of Vodafone a call to ask about the price changes and the reason behind this, I was SHOCKED to be told that my contract was cancelled I did ask why? the operator was unable to explain and he said would check for me then after 5 minutes of waiting on the phone came back and asked me WHERE YOU FROM? I was really shocked angry and shouted at him saying why was cancelled and what the fact I come from would make any difference and demanded to speak to a manager to have more clarification, after 10 minutes waiting I was speaking to one of the supervisors and he started to say no one was discrminating against me but started to give me silly reasons of cancellation one of them he said was difficult to take you out of your current supplier, I laughed and told him I have no current supplier as I bought the house week before setting the account so the reason he provided all sound lies and he could not convience me of the canellation without giving appropriate reason especially was done without even giving me a notice of canellation and I only found it out by calling them by accident to find the horrible truth, I am so angry they cancelled it without reason and they were so dishonest by sending welcome letter a day before I found out the real truth.
I decided to put a compain in writing of course I struggled to find any place in the official website to submit the complaint in writing, I only knew after I calling the customer services who advised to google as vodafone compplaint form and I did explain the situation on that forum and submitted 7 days ago no reply no aknowledge from vodafone company.
I really angry of being discrminating against and this company should be stopped I did submit the review to tell the customers to be careful from such company and their charges ALWAYS check the charges and you SHOULD NOT trust Vidafone EVER
17-10-2017 10:25 AM
Hi @JLee3
I totally agree that if something changes from the original agreement or the entire agreement has been cancelled then you should be informed asap and given a reason.
Both you and Vodafone do hold the option to cancel.
I'm sure if you phoned to cancel then the Vodafone Agent would ask for a reason!
I think we all understand and accept that things can go wrong. But then it's down to how it's put right that counts and instills confidence back in the service and product.
Communication is key.
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Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.