28-09-2014 02:16 PM
Okay, so I've never used an iPhone before, nor any apple related products. I've mostly just stuck to keypad products such as Blackberry's etc but thought it was time for a change.
Recently I ordered the iPhone 4S through vodafone and was wondering if anyone would care to take the time to explain this product in detail and how your experience with the phone has been.
1. How is the battery life compared to other phone's? (Providing you don't use many apps etc)
2. What are your suggestions to saving battery life? I'm someone who doesn't use app's very often or the internet but I send a lot of text messages each day.
3. Can you turn off Internet Data and still receive messages from friends & family? (IM messages included)
4. On average, how long does a system update take to finish? (i.e new operating system such as iOS8)
5. Is the 8GB large enough memory wise or would It struggle to operate correctly? I wouldn't download any games, music etc. The only apps I would download would be Twitter, Facebook & Whatsapp.
Any information you can provide would be great
28-09-2014 04:59 PM
@iSouthh wrote:Okay, so I've never used an iPhone before, nor any apple related products. I've mostly just stuck to keypad products such as Blackberry's etc but thought it was time for a change.
Recently I ordered the iPhone 4S through vodafone and was wondering if anyone would care to take the time to explain this product in detail and how your experience with the phone has been.
1. How is the battery life compared to other phone's? (Providing you don't use many apps etc) The battery life on a 4 compares well with most other phones, it is far better than the iPhone 5 or 6
2. What are your suggestions to saving battery life? I'm someone who doesn't use app's very often or the internet but I send a lot of text messages each day. Turn off wifi when you are not using it, especially when you are out and about as it will always be searching for a wifi signal
3. Can you turn off Internet Data and still receive messages from friends & family? (IM messages included) Yes, but not iMessages. They require either wifi or 3 or 4 g signals,
4. On average, how long does a system update take to finish? (i.e new operating system such as iOS8) A heck of a long time but it depends on how fast you connection spped is. Try to only update and ios though iTunes, not only is it faster but also less like to corrupt
5. Is the 8GB large enough memory wise or would It struggle to operate correctly? I wouldn't download any games, music etc. The only apps I would download would be Twitter, Facebook & Whatsapp. In my iPhone 5s the apps take up 2.4GB and thery are not exceptionally data intensive. You will find that apps like Facebook can download a lot of stuff, so make sure you restrict what Facebook can download without your permission. You will find that if you are photo of video making fanatic 8GB may well be restrictive, so whenever you can transfer the photos and videos to your computer then delete them from your phone if you do not need them there.
Any information you can provide would be great