Just received this.
I’ve recently edited one of your eForum posts in accordance with our House Rules (these can be found here).
Please note that links and comments that are advertising, spam, offensive, inappropriate or link to competitors, will be removed.
Although we’ve edited your comment, we still want to help. Please continue to post, but with the House Rules in mind. Alternatively, use our Contact us form here to make sure you’re speaking to the most relevant people.
If you have any questions or don’t understand why you’ve received this email, please get back to us.
Vodafone eForum team"
I would like to ask what was the offence?
It wasn't spam
It wasn't offensive
It wasn't inappropriate
It wasn't a link to a competitor's site
It was a solution to roll back to a bug free official vodafone firmware that would provide a solution until you pull your finger out and fix the issue.
My next question is, if you are so concerned about rigorous testing how did 5.0 get past the testing phase with so many bugs?