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this is a thread to show vodafone that users appreciate unbranded phones

4: Newbie
we allways see posts here criticising vodafone and nokia handsets due to branding etc

after over a week with the n900 and being able to get the updates on time etc due to it being an unbranded handset iam an extremley happy customer

i thought it would be a good idear to have a thread where users can let vodafone know how happy they are to get their updates along with other users and not have to wait for months and months for vodafone to custimise nokias generic firmware

updates are an important part of a smartphone , new features , bug fixes , having the n900 unbranded like this was a wise desicion by nokia/maemo and was wise for vodafone to take it on even though they wernt to brand it

the hardware of the phone seems pretty solid and after my n97 fiasco , 4 handsets all faulty , it is a joy to use

iam hoping that this thread can build over time and that vodafone will notice that customers prefer having the unbranded device and updates on time or if they are tobrand handsets that getting updates out asap is a requirement and not a favour to the customers

not being able to update your phone due to branding is so annoying that people often risk their warranty just to get the updates which isnt good for anyone

can all other users who have had a good experience of the n900 wether it be updates , apps , stabillity , useabillity , ui whatever has made you smile themn please write about it here so vodafone can see that the n900 was worth taking one even though it was unbranded etc


4: Newbie
They do have a different product code but there is no change to the software and no logo printed on the device. :)

4: Newbie
vodafone uk models have a different product code to identify its a voda uk n900

this is all

as soundwave said there is no branding whatsoever , no vodafone junk , it is exaclty the same as generic nokia n900 even voda mods have confirmed this 🙂

i think vodafone have done a cracking job supporting the n900 even though they wernt to brand it

4: Newbie
vodafone uk models have a different product code to identify its a voda uk n900

this is all

as soundwave said there is no branding whatsoever , no vodafone junk , it is exaclty the same as generic nokia n900 even voda mods have confirmed this 🙂

i think vodafone have done a cracking job supporting the n900 even though they wernt to brand it

Be interesting to get feedback from other users on whether or not they can use contract internet then, Because mine would only allow wap and wifi, with no option to add another internet connection, therefore restricting the likes of youtube to the mobile slimmed down version.

Devices bought from non vodafone outlets seem not to have this connection facility lets check out those who have a vf supplied set against a nokia direct for example and see if there is a difference

Dont get me wrong, not knocking VF or the device, just interesting to gather facts...

4: Newbie
Mine is direct from Voda and although I am not sure if I can add another connection, I was able to change (edit) the Contract Wap accesspoint to be Contract Internet. The only problem I had then was the adult content control (which blocked the Lottery site) but after having that removed it is fine.

4: Newbie
I got my N900 from MPD with a Vodaphone SIM bundled on top.

Have to say that after many years of branded phones - I won't be going back to network branded phones.
Even if the initial f/w updates come out quickly, the later ones take for ages or just don't happen full stop.

In my opinion networks will always favour branding to extend their profits by leading users to games/apps/wallpapers etc - it's simply a business/economic decision.

If you don't want branding shop around, the options are out there . . . . . .
Remember "search" is your best friend.

4: Newbie
Ive been with Vodafone for many years, couple comtracts and Pay as go before that, ive been so upset with them at times as the advisory Service is sometimes appalling, anyway besides their few downsides they are a great company and when get the right advisors on the phone its All worth while? I have wanted to change Vodafone many times but realization is that they are the best out there and the right advisor is so unbelievably good that it well outways the Bad. I recommend Vodafone to anyone, great company who listens and tries to help, only Problem is you have to Call sometimes more than once to get a good advisor, its a small price to Pay although annoying but i would never change from this network. Been good to me and i Trust them. Good on ya Vodafone.

Hi clashly65,


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