I was told whilst upgrading that i would have sure signal thrown in with my deal only to be told last minute that they couldn't include it. I was assure that with the new 4g contract (which i pay through the nose for) that all my signal problems at home would be solved. This is not the case. I still have poor signal in most parts of my house. I have to stand in the window to get reception. Even when I have 3g i cant make or receive texts or calls. This is very annoying as I'm trying to run a business and also the fact that i was promised sure signal. Then it was taken from me. And also that I've signed up for another 48 months with a network that have lied to me constantly and left me struggling to run a business whilst at home. I don't expect to receive any help regarding this as my expierience with vodafones customer service is really poor and i feel they have no problem letting customers down. Especially if the customer is tied down to a contract. I'll be gob smacked if this ever gets resolved.