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20% Packet loss and less than 5mbps download on Gigafast 900 / CityFibre

4: Newbie

For the last 48hrs I've been experiencing intermittent packet loss of up to 20% and download speeds as low at 2Mbps.  Anyone else seeing this?


Screenshot 2022-09-24 at 22.16.37.png


I'm also northampton. I don't really believe it is a CityFibre issue. When my issue was fixed, even temporarily, I had a slightly higher ping by 2ms, but a stable download speed and no packet loss in peak times. They seems to be this by routing my traffic via another data center as my ip and supposedly ip location changed. Its back to how it was now and they can't seem to find out how they fixed it before

I just checked my order and thankfully I got it back in November 2020 so I will be able to just let them know I'll be leaving.

Yeah I called giganet and they said they've never had this issue, idk if they're just playing dumb to get my business but either way it seems only vodafone who out of the other cityfibre channels are the only ones with this problem.. It's just annoying how they said "3 days" to me like over 20 days ago and then again 5 days ago "3 days".


Feels like a 'how long can we keep lying to these people and getting away with it' also yeah I'm in northampton.

Hi all, i'm another Northampton Vodafone Fibre user that is having issues with packet loss, mainly in the evening. 

I've spoken to the "Wifi Xperts" numourous times only to be told its either the game servers im playing on or maybe my network cables are old and need replacing. Once i've explained it is nothing to do with any of that as during the day my internet is absolutely fine i am then told the issue is nothing to do with them and that they cannot help me. 


I've attached below my BQM from yesterday evening




It's a joke, I logged a fault weeks ago, and have raised a complaint as well. nothing from them.


Will be leaving them in the next month thankfully. Going to switch to Giganet now.

Based on the Giganet site i don't think it is available in my area in Northampton which is a shame otherwise i'd definitely be looking to leave and try someone else. Unfortunately its Vodafone Fibre or back to 35mb for me. 

@shaikly wrote:

Based on the Giganet site i don't think it is available in my area in Northampton which is a shame otherwise i'd definitely be looking to leave and try someone else. Unfortunately its Vodafone Fibre or back to 35mb for me. 

Check TalkTalk as well, i believe they are another reseller in Northampton.

Hi mate, there was a slight issue on their site which I called and they fixed, if you check now via your postcode you should see available packages as oppose to the register your interest stuff before. I just set up my connection with them and I'll be hooked up next week! I'll drop onto here to evidence if the packet loss issue is with them as well or not though they tell me it's not the case.

@CrimsonLiar wrote:

A citation would be interesting!

Contention ratio

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

That's hardly a citation that proves your claim!  A "my dog ate my internet" meme wouldn't have been any less valid.