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Broadband down for 3 days

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

I am based on Coventry South. My broadband connection went down om the evening of 18th December, it is now the 21st 2023, yes 2023, and still the service is not back up and running.

My question coming from someone with an IT Network infrastructure background is how is this even possible in this day and age. 

It seems Vodafone are ready to take payments without offering any system resilience to its customers. They rent the lines from City Fibre who have a history of taking days to bring critical communications back online. Last time the Police network and the Hospital comms were all down for days. Surely Vodafone and City Fibre have a responsibility to ensure that they have backup systems in place, why is this not the case with something so critical for customers in this day and age. 

And why is any communication so slack. You have to call in and the customer service team have no idea that a major incident has occurred. 

You can only really measure a companies worth at times when things go wrong, in this case, Vodafone have failed horrendously. 

I understand there are over 200 home users affected and many businesses yet there is nothing reported online. 

I can't wait to get back online like many others so we can switch to a supplier that actually has their game in order. 

To conclude, 3 days and counting with no broadband, horrendous support from Vodafone and valuable lesson not to go with any ISP that piggy backs off City Fibre, its no wonder they are in £210 million in debt, probably all down to Service Level penalty payments. 

I doubt I'll get any meaningful response to this, but it needs to be said if only to forewarn others. 



3: Seeker
3: Seeker

Hi mate, I’m having the same issue here, been off for 3 days now and nothing I do seems to work. When I log into the router it’s saying no connection and no ip4 address.  I’ve been searching high and low online and your post is the only other thing I’ve seen about this. As someone with an IT network infrastructure background also, it’s been driving me crazy that I can’t get to the bottom of it.

I’m almost used to the Vodafone internet being somewhat temperamental so the first night I just left it and thought to myself it’ll be back on tomorrow but now we’re 3 days in and it’s still off! 

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

It just smacks of profiteering without a second thought for the customer experience. 

City Fibre are a quite a new company and would have used the latest tech to build their infrastructure. However there doesn't seem to be any disaster recovery plan in place. Equipment should replicated off site so if there is a failure it can all be swapped out. This is a simile concept that seems to have been majorly overlooked. I seriously just don't get it. 

And surely if companies such as Vodafone are reselling City Fibres product then in the interest of their customers they should insist that such backup recovery systems and processes are in place. It just all smacks of cheap profiteering and not giving a damn about the customer experience. Will definitely be switching over as soon as these clowns get me back online. Its just too much of a risk to have to go through this shower again. 

3 days and counting, what a joke. 

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

There's actually nothing you can do on your side until the second light on the black ONT box on your wall is lit up, so don't waste your time.

One more thing, when I first rang up the Vodafone do called 'Wifi experts' I was met wity the response

'Apart from your broadband being down, are you having a nice day?' 

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

It;s now been 4 days since the broadband, phone etc has been down, There has been no contact from Vodafone and we are totally clueless as to what is going on.

The 4g backup is no use at all as it provides a speed of 0.2 mbps.



16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@IST  What did VF say when you called their helpdesk?

Basically it was out their hands, they were being fed very occasional drips of info from City Fibre who seem to be a complete shambles. All up and running now, 4 days later. Even now, no updates from Vodafone, not even a simple email informing customers that the service is back online.


16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@ISTEverything (normally) has to go via VF as OR and CF do not speak to the end consumer. This leaves everyone at the mercy of the VF (un)helpdesk. Oh well, 4 days is a lot quicker than some poor souls who have been on here.