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High latency - new full fibre 910

3: Seeker
3: Seeker


I'm suffering from really high pings and it's making online gaming difficult. I'm new to this service and voda so if anyone could advise what is happening that would be appreciated please.

Here's my trace route to bbc and it looks like I am connected to my local DC (Leeds) but the pings to it are really high. 

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms  []
2 121 ms 99 ms 107 ms
3 112 ms 112 ms 121 ms
4 * * * Request timed out.
5 * * * Request timed out.
6 114 ms 122 ms 121 ms
7 137 ms 128 ms 134 ms
8 143 ms 141 ms 133 ms []
9 133 ms 134 ms 136 ms
10 168 ms 121 ms 114 ms

Thanks (in advance) for taking a look.


2: Seeker
2: Seeker

Join the club. I'm experiencing the exact same thing and even though I too am Leeds based, I'm connected to the London node for some reason. Ping spikes up from around 4pm and doesn't abate until gone 11. Support won't help because their tests only see if you have a connection at all rather than its latency. It's driving me insane as up until a few days ago it was completely fine.

That's not great to hear, and as if like clockwork, the pings to the Leeds DC are down to less than 10ms!
I'm still in my 14 day cooling period so may have to have a word with them.

Are you using your own router or theirs per chance? I'm using my own as it's frankly a million times better than theirs, but the staff really hate when you do that. They act like any problems are your fault rather than even entertain the possibility that the issue might be with them. I have a family member who actually works for Vodafone, not in the broadband area but still, one thing they have said for years is the two things Vodafone cares about least in the world is 1. Their staff and 2. Their customers.

My own, been using it years - an ASUS one. It's solid. Plus, nothing has changed at my end and the pings have visibility gone down as you say around 11pm. Is this every day or just the weekends? Reminds of issues with every company when broadband became a thing and they couldn't handle the volume of users at peak times but that was 20 years ago!

From what you say,  I suppose I may have been enticed by the low prices.

It literally only started on the 20th, it was completely rock solid with no issues up until then. I've never used an Asus router before, I'm personally on a Unifi Dream Machine Pro. Pure speculation but perhaps there is a degree of throttling happening to us for not using their equipment? Sounds conspiratorial but stranger things have happened.

I'm not sure, they do make it easy to use your own and even have the details on their website on how to go about getting the info you need. Never know though, maybe.

Ah, you see, 20th was when I was connected 😄 I must have done it.

Ah so it was you! You had to come along and ruin everything didn't you? 🤣🤣

3: Seeker
3: Seeker
