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Technical questions about the service

1: Seeker

I am considering getting an fttc package either SF1 or SF2. The vodafone website does not appear to be accepting my BT line to check so I can't get past the screen to get to the packages. 

I have some technical questions which do not seem to be answered in any of the FAQs or live chat

- can you get a static IP address?

- are there any port blocks or limits, as in can you host your own web/email services off the connection?

- do you have to use the supplied router or can you use your own?

- if you use the supplied router, are you able to change the internal IP range to one of your choice, and is icmp (ping) enabled to the outside world? If not is this something you can easily change via the router or is it locked down severely? 

Thanks, Chris.


Community Manager (Retired)
Community Manager (Retired)

It's great that you're looking to join us @Chris6 🙂 our Home Broadband Sales team will be able to check your line for you. 

To answer things in order for you: 

1) Yes, you can get a static IP, we can arrange that for you once you're active. 

2) Yes, there's nothing that would stop you using your own service like this and you can manage your ports by logging into your router settings. 

3) You can use your own router and we'll provide the information to allow you to do this - we do recommend that you keep hold of the one we send to you, in case we ever need to run any texts on your line. 

4) Standard consumer IP range isn't something that we can support you changing, it's worth mention with a Business Home Broadband you do have more options to manage your service. 

Thanks Amanda that's all very handy. 


Re question 4 about the IP range I was meaning internal private IP range behind the NAT on the router. As in some routers will default to range whereas my network is set up on another different private range, is this changeable to the one which my network uses?? Just that it has been like that for ages and don't want to have to reconfigure all. 


Also are you able to enable icmp (ping) on the default router if it is disabled? 

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

The Vodafone router uses as default. You can change it to another if you wish.

I originally changed mine. but in the end I reconfigured the few static devices to match as I tend to factory reset the router quite a bit (usually while testing things to answer queries on here) so decided to stick with their default

Yes you can enable ping on the WAN interface.


The router is pretty limited in options, so you may be better using your own.

Community Manager (Retired)
Community Manager (Retired)

Thanks for jumping in there @Jayach 🙂 - that's really helpful.