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Vodafone Credentials for PPPoE

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

Hi. I just got my GiGabit internet installed, but I want to move to my ASUS AC5300. I know I need PPPoE credentials. Who can provide this to me, please?


16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

911 if your service is provided by Cityfibre. For openreach try first with VLAN (802.1Q) disabled, then try 101 if that doesn't work. 

View solution in original position


I will test these straight away 

All working OK. Thanks :Smiling:

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

You'll need to speak to customer services!

Your username will be in the format dsl0123456789 and the password will be a reasonably short mix of letters and numbers - make sure to copy the details in text form or get them set to you by email - far too often people get given the wrong details or letters and numbers get mixed up.


When you've got them initially try with just the PPPoE info, if that doesn't work then additionally use LAN>IPTV>ISP Profile:Manual Setting  &  Internet VID: 911

Thank you guys. That worked straight away! I have no idea why after hours with technical department no one @Vodafone could help me.


I have one more query, On my first day I had about 600Mb/s download speed and 600Mb/s upload. Now I'm getting only 150Mb/s bot download and upload.


This is on Vodafone and my Asus router


I should get 1GB/s (roughly)  What should I do?

Hi, I have my PPPoE details, but still not getting internet access. Where do I go to input this LAN>IPTV>ISP Profile:Manual Setting  &  Internet VID: 911 ??


Hoping that you can help!

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member


It might have been better to start your  own thread.

Still, are you on CityFibre or Openreach? What router do you  have?

Thanks mate, I appreciate your help.

It's a Netgear Nighthawk RAX30, and I'm on Openreach.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@Cheiro257 wrote:

It's a Netgear Nighthawk RAX30, and I'm on Openreach.

In that case the VLAN will be 101, but you will probably not have to specify it as I believe the ONT takes care of it.

Thank you for clarifying this... you were correct though, that didn't need to specify it . Running into more Issues now though - I managed to connect to the internet after specifying the PPPoE login details... But I was only getting around 40mbps on WiFi (on a 500mbps plan). Router was still showing 500+ coming in via cable ... Then, somehow I lost it, and when router restarted (and every time I've tried since), the PPPoE username is automatically cut short automatically - e.g. ends at 'broadband.vodafone'. I've tried doing hard resets on the router as per the manual (hold down reset for 10+ seconds) - but this obviously isn't working as the network details are saves when I log in again! Any help here appreciated 👍