26-06-2024 02:39 PM
Hi, I am looking to connect my Opnsense firewall directly to my Openreach ONT.
I have messaged Vodafone and been given my PPOE details including username, password and VLAN:101.
Unfortunately I cant seem to get this to work.
Does anyone have a working Opnsense firewall on Vodafone Openreach FTTP and is anyone able to send a step by step guide for setting this up in Opnsese so I can see if I have missed something?
I have a working internet connection using the Vodafone hub and also worth noting I have a static IP address.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
03-10-2024 01:42 PM
They gave me VLAN 901 today for OpenReach, I queried it but they were determined it's correct, plugged my PFSense directly into the ONT with no VLAN connected immediately.