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Xbox Series X wired connection issue

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

Hi, hoping someone could help.


Since switching to Vodaphone I have been experiencing issues with my Xbox connecting to the the network via a wired connection. What I find is sometimes if I restart the Xbox enough, it pics up the wired connection.

What I have tried (on the Xbox):

Reset MAC - same issue

NAT Type set to open which is correct

Did a factory reset of the Xbox - same issueHowever when I connected the Xbox to the Wi-Fi - works fine

What I tried on the router;

Power cycle - same issue

Manually added DNS ( - same issue

Changed Ethernet cable - same issue

Other devices connected via a Ethernet cable work fine.


At the point I don’t believe this is a Xbox issue but an issue with the router or broadband. Is there something that maybe stopping/making the wired connection intermittent as I’m not sure what else to do.


As I said I had no issues when on Virgin using a wired Ethernet connection.




428 REPLIES 428

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

Mine doesn't work over WiFi unless I restart the router. It will then work for a bit. NAT always switching to moderate, no downloads, store not working etc.


Has anyone had similar to that? 


For clarity worked fine for years with previous provider.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

After 14 pages of posts, yours is the first (AFAIK) to complain of problems over Wi-Fi, so I would suggest it is not common.

Which router do you have, and have you tried disabling IPv6, which seems to cure some odd problems. Jayach_0-1700771853436.png

Thanks I'll give it a try. I didn't actually mean to post in a thread specifically about wired issues. My bad.

From reading elsewhere it seems pretty common though sadly.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Nah. If it was common we'd see a lot more people posting about it on this or other forums.


True. Must just be me, though that doesn't really help the issue...nor does turning off IPV6 sadly.

Although on just the page previous there's a poster also saying wireless doesn't work. I assume he got it sorted so there's hope yet 👍

It is common happend to me and others have complained about it too. Let me know if you find a fix. Thnx

No he is not, it happend to me when I got the the white new router! Had to put it back! If anyone finds a fix let me know!

Why you giving out bad info

That's the router I have too. It also plays havoc with my Chromecasts.

If I get anywhere I'll let you know. Sorry you're having issues too. Good luck 👍 

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@Ex-Xboxer wrote:

That's the router I have too. It also plays havoc with my Chromecasts.

As you have the Ultra router, have you tried the compatibility mode to see if it helps?

How does WiFi compatibility mode work? | Vodafone UK