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Lower speed than advertised - Fibre 1

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

I signed up to a Fibe 1 plan last year and recently my internet has been not as good and I noticed that speeds have been a lot lower than I expected.

Looking back on my emails when I first signed up I got one that showed I was guaranteed a minimum of 34Mbps but that I could get 37.7-38Mbps max whereas now I'm getting no more than 11Mbps no matter whether I use my phonbe, laptop, wifi on the Vodafone hub or even the wifi on my mesh setup.
When I go to check the upgrade page it shows my current plan speed as 10.3Mbps but I that can get 11.6-13.5Mbps.

I've checked my emails for any that may indicate a change in speed but the only emails I get are either for my latest bill or the couple to say the price for my broadband and landline was changing.

Why is it that my speed has suddenly decreased so much and to not be made aware of this?


16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@Helvetios WiFi speed tests are unreliable, so what are you getting with a PC connected by cable to the router? What is the router saying that the connection speed is?

Assuming that you are on FTTC (copper wire to the house) ...

Test your connection using this tool and when the first part completes click on the Additional Diagnostics button and complete the second stage.

Also use this tool (if it says unavailable just keep retrying) and it will show what you connection is capable of. Take the reading of the second line "VDSL Range B".

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

I get the same speed whether on wired to my laptop or wifi which is around 11Mbps
It won't let me do the additional diagnostic on the speed test just says "system is currently busy"

On the 2nd tool I get
Screenshot 2024-09-23 130324.jpg

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@Helvetios Did the chart have a "highest speed last seen" (or something like that) in the lower half? BT thinks you're getting the nominal 32Mbps speed.

What speed did the speed test report?

What speed does the router report?

What SNR (signal to noise) ratio does the router report?

I can't see any "highest speed last seen" showing up anywhere?

The speed test shows: Download 11.26Mbps and Upload 4.53Mbps

When I'm in the web interface the router shows 12.9Mbits/s down and 4.3Mbits/s up

Signal-to-Noise Ratio 4.4 dB down and 8.4 dB up

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Your are on FTTC, so your speed is reliant on the length and quality of the copper wires from the cabinet to your home, however it could be affected by just how the router is connected to the phone socket in the home.

The first thing we will need to know is the DSL stats from your router, so log into it and post them here. Here are mine for comparison.

Line Quality

  Downstream Upstream
Current Rate79791 kbps20000 kbps
Maximum Rate81992 kbps25440 kbps
Signal-to-Noise Ratio4.3 dB9.1 dB
AttenuationDS1 9.2 dB, DS2 22.6 dB, DS3 35.3 dBUS0 2.1 dB, US1 15.6 dB, US2 25.4 dB
Power12.7 dBm4.5 dBm


Current Rate12860 kbps4295 kbps
Maximum Rate11371 kbps5431 kbps
Signal-to-Noise Ratio4.3 dB8.5 dB
AttenuationDS1 35.9 dB, DS2 70.4 dB, DS3 90.3 dBUS0 35.4 dB, US1 53.0 dB, US2 N/A
Power9.4 dBm6.7 dBm