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How to get my landline working again (post FTTP installation)?

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

Hi there


As per the subject line above; I have had no landline service since having my broadband upgraded to fibre optic on 11th January, I have honestly lost count of how many calls I have made to Vodafone's customer service (sic) department - and every time I do call them, I have to retell the entire story from the very beginning and listen to their cast-iron promises that they will get the problem solved 'within an hour/two hours/24 hours' (delete as appropriate) - which of course never happens.


Should be noted here that I have been with Vodafone for almost a year and have not had any problems with them whatsoever until now. Also - I am disabled and mostly at home, so rely heavily on my landline to connect with doctors/nurses/specialists etc - unfortunately, my mobile signal (Vodafone) is not the best in my area.)


Ironically, the fibre broadband is working like a dream: guaranteed 100 Mbps and average test speed so far of 108 Mbps.


Would appreciate any advice anyone is able to give re the landline.







16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Some phones (I thought only older phones, but apparently some newer ones too) need the ring capacitor to make them ring. If it isn't present it just means those phones wont ring, but it won't stop the them working. You will still get a dial tone and be able to make calls. You'll be able to receive them as well, you just won't know they are there.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@Jayach wrote:

Some phones (I thought only older phones, but apparently some newer ones too) need the ring capacitor to make them ring. If it isn't present it just means those phones wont ring, but it won't stop the them working. You will still get a dial tone and be able to make calls. You'll be able to receive them as well, you just won't know they are there.

What stops a modern phone working when using a RJ11 > RJ11 cable isn't the lack of a ring capacitor. Not all RJ11 > RJ11 cables are wired the same. Many people just grab any old RJ11 > RJ11 cable laying around and assume it will just work, not so! Some modern phones will only work with a 2 pin RJ11 > RJ11 cable while others will work with a 4 pin RJ11 > RJ11 cable. Even then, not all 2/4 pin RJ11 > RJ11 cables are wired to work with UK telephones.

If people use the original cable supplied with their phone along with an RJ11 > BT adapter wired as PSTN main with ring capacitor, then it is guaranteed to work with both old and new phones. 👍

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

The RJ11 - RJ11 cable supplied with the Vodafone router (marked internet) does work, as people on here have used it. (although no ring capacitor)

@WelshPaul wrote:
If people use the original cable supplied with their phone along with an RJ11 > BT adapter wired as PSTN main with ring capacitor, then it is guaranteed to work with both old and new phones. 


That would definitely be the best way to go. For the wholesale cost of one of those, I just cant understand why Vodafone don't include it with the router. It would be much cheaper than the DSL filter that they do include, even when the customer is getting FTTP.

My phones are panasonic dect phones, only a year old.  I can dial out okay, just can't receive. When you ring the number there are two short beeps then it goes dead. When I ring my son on the landline my number comes up on his phone even though I have always had number withheld. It's just weird !

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Unplug your phone completely from the TEL1 port and try calling your landline number from another phone. You should hear the usual ringing in the earpiece of the phone your calling from? Obviously it won't ring your end, you won't have a phone plugged in to the Vodafone Hub! If the call fails for the caller, it's definitely a split port.


When I boot up my Vodafone HUB with no physical landline device connected to either of the TEL1 and TEL2 ports, and I call my Vodafone landline number from my mobile, I hear the usual ring ring in the earpiece of my mobile phone. You should too!

Nope just  the two short beeps the nothing. I think VF have accepted it's a split port but between them and Openreach there doesn't seem to be any dialogue. Getting nowhere and don't know what to do next. Apart from cry of course, which I have done several times !

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

You need to persevere with Vodafone support as they are the only one's who can get this escalated and ultimately fixed. Keep calling and messaging them everyday and make sure you raise an official complaint.


FYI - A split port doesn't require an engineer visit your home, it's not an Openreach engineer that even fixes such issues!


It's most likely a case of some files may have not been sent to Vodafone from the losing provider and this is causing the connection issue. Vodafone will be able to rectify this, however, that process means they need to contact the porting team at the losing provider to ask for those files. As far as I'm aware this takes up to 72 hours, however, this is the mobile porting time-frame, I'm unsure if it's different for a landline as the transfer itself can take up to 14 days.


If the losing provider have sent all the files, then Vodafone need to follow up with technical support.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey there @Mazzy13 👋 I understand how important it is to stay connected and I'm sorry you're having some issues receiving calls.

As @WelshPaul has mentioned, it sounds like we need to take a look at this for you to find out what's going on - if it's a split port, we'll need to liaise with your old provider to get things fixed. 

Please get in touch with my team via social media - if you include a link to your post along with your Community username, you won't need to repeat yourself either 🙂 

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Is the "Phone" led lit on the Vodafone HUB @Mazzy13? If so, the phone connection itself will be working. If your phones are dead or displaying NO LINE on the display, it will be an issue with the phone/wiring your end.


Buy one or two of these (keep one spare?):

RJ11 - BT Adapter (with Ring Capacitor)


Buying cheap ones off eBay that claim to have the ring capacitor often turn out not to contain the ring capacitor and a few were not even wired up for use here in the UK.

The phone led is lit and I can make calls no problem, just can't receive. When some-one tries to ring me there is no tone. I have sent for one of the adapters you suggested.