23-03-2025 08:21 AM
Been trying to get my landline working on powerhub after a new install. I have had an adapter sent by Vodaphone and phone is now connected through that but still not working. It's a reasonably old (probably 10 years or more) Gigaset c430a.
I've been dealing with support and they say the line is active but I can't get hold of them today to confirm as many of them are not working on a Sunday.
So - can anyone please confirm should the green light on the rear of the router for Phone be lit whether or not a working phone is connected (to show a line is available) or will it only light if a phone is working/connected?
23-03-2025 09:18 AM
Actually now resolved - decided to ring 191 instead, got put through to a broadband techie who immediately noticed the phone service wasn't enabled on the router - few minutes later and resolved and working. Not sure why several calls with other support, multiple router reboots etc over the last week or two after lodging a complaint didn't notice or resolve that.