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Simple guide to connecting a phone to FTTP please

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

I'm a new customer of Vodafone fibre (FTTP) and have a Wifi Hub. During the upgrade I asked to retain my old landline phone number.

I'm struggling to understand what phones can be plugged into the Wifi Hub. I note there are ports on the back of the Hub marked TEL1 and TEL2. I have purchased a converter to plug into the TEL1 port that then allows me to plug an "old" UK type phone into the converter. I've tried various (old) phones but none can get a dial tone.

Does the phone being plugged in have to be a VOIP phone? Or does the Wifi Hub handle the necessary conversion from non VOIP phone to the Vodafone network? i.e. does the Wifi Hub include a VOIP adaptor?

As I've never had the phone working since my FTTP upgrade I'm not certain that the phone line setup was done correctly so might be be being confused by a non working line. Is there a way I can check this without having a phone that has a dial tone?

Thanks for any assistance - currently pretty confused!





16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

It really shouldn't take all that to get the service functioning correctly.

Still, glad it's working now.

Hi All,

Well I have been going through the same issue as previous posters having upgraded to FTTP.

After many communications with Vodafone I have the solid white Phone light illuminated on my router.

I have plugged my BT Graphite 2500 landline phone into the TEL1 socket on the router using an RJ11 to RJ11 cable (in fact I have tried 3 different cables). The phone shows "NO LINE" on the display and there is no dial tone.

I thought this should work, do I really need to use the RJ11 to BT cable and then plug that into a BT to RJ11 adaptor, and plug the adaptor into the TEL1 port on the router? (I haven't got this adaptor).

Thanks for any advice and help.


16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

If you are using the RJ11-RJ11 cable marked "internet" that came with the Vodafone router, it should work although there is a possibility it won't ring. Check the connector socket on the phone in case it has been damaged swapping the cable over. (bent pins etc)


Yes, I am using the RJ11-RJ11 cable that came with the Vodafone router and marked "Internet". I have checked the pins, which look fine.

The phone still displays "NO LINE".

Ok I think, I can see my problem.

The RJ11 plug on the cable marked internet has a different two pins wired to connect to the phone than the cable I have which has the BT connector on one end.

Therefore I believe this is why I need the adaptor previously posted. I have now ordered the adaptor, so hopefully that will work!

Thank you!! The "internet" cable did the trick - to an extent anyway. No dial tone, but at least the phone now rings. Baby steps!

I have 2 phone plugged in, both with receive the same call and when one is answered the other one , either in tel 1 or tel2  cannot be used, until the other call has finished.

if two different phones are pulled into either tel1 and tel2 should they work independently of each other? 

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

No, that won't work. You're only paying for one line so that's all you're going to get. 

Thank you for confirming.


are you saying that tel 1 and tel 2 are only there to  allow more extensions for the same line? 


unfortunately for me I moved from BT with a digital phone, which worked along side the house phone allowing 2 independent calling and receiving of calls.  I was told by Vodafone that 2 separate phones would work independently of each other, this obviously is not the case with vodafone's  technology.


16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@StanleyM wrote:

are you saying that tel 1 and tel 2 are only there to  allow more extensions for the same line? 


That is the way Vodafone have implemented it. Whether the hardware could support them independently, I don't know. (but I doubt it)

I'm surprised at what you say about BT. They were presumably supplying you with 2 phone numbers, or else I can't see how it would work.