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VOIP. Callers don't get busy tone

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

Slowly resolving the endless unexpected issues around switching to VOIP eg hardwired internal extensions don't work - now have 3 DECT phones so that's sorted. But why don't they tell you when/befoe you sign up?

Current issue: I'm on a call using a phone plugged into line 1 on rear of router. Another caller rings my number and hears the ring tone so when I don't answer assumes I'm out. They don't hear a busy (engaged) tone.

After hours and multiple calls to tech support I've been variously told:

* the new incoming call will be transferred by the router to line 2 (socket 2). As no phone is attached to this, it will just ring. This is wrong - plugging a 2nd phone into socket 2 makes no difference. Caller still hears ringing tone but I hear nothing if I'm on line 1. If I'm NOT on line 1 (ie no call in progress) then BOTH phones ring (why...?)

* Plugging a phone into line 2 and leaving it off the hook will generate a busy tone for the 2nd caller. This is wrong. What happens is that ALL calls get a busy tone so my phone never rings.

* switching on voicemail will solve the problem. This is wrong as a) I don't want voicemail and anyway another advisor tells me voicemail does not work on VOIP

* Busy (engaged) tones are generated by the phone, not the line or Provider. So I should 'activate' the busy functionality on my handset. This is surely wrong - I've never had to do this prior to VOIP, and never seen a landline phone that had this function available to switch on/off. Neither of my BT handsets have this function.


Surely 'busy' tones are (should be) generated when the line is busy, not the handset?

Anyone know which of the above (if any) is correct? Or how to resolve the issue?

And can anyone explain the purpose of the 2nd line on the router, other than 'in case the first one develops a fault' (as one advisor claimed, which shows remarkable lack of confidence in their one and only router....)







2: Seeker
2: Seeker

Many thanks