30-06-2023 06:07 PM
I am trying to connect my R218 mobile WiFi while I. France\Spain but despite buying a 15 day roaming pass, not having a roaming ban on the account, restarting device and spending over 2 hours on useless chat support - I cannot get an explanation for why I can’t access the router web interface at Vodafonemobile.wifi as per device guide.
It just comes up with page cannot be displayed.
can help would be much appreciated! I am on iPhone in case that matters…
30-06-2023 06:40 PM
01-07-2023 11:24 AM
The immediate thing that comes to mind is: Is the device you are trying to access the R218 with, actually connected to it and not using its own mobile broadband? ie turn the mobile data connection off on your device and try connecting to the R218 again!