07-07-2022 06:09 AM
I have used the USB dongle with Windows for seven years.
The K4203 USB shows red light and does not load the Huawei driver.
I tried to reinstall the Vodafone App & it got deleted.
Where can I get the Vodafone Quickstart & mobile broadband software?
27-07-2022 10:44 PM
Ive also got a K4203-Z vodafone dongle here and the original disc that came with it,do you need a copy of the disc?
Is that what you think you might need?
27-07-2022 10:38 PM
Why do you need the vodafone software? you can connect using windows without installing the onboard connection manager as long as the device is showing up in device manager,
As for the red light staying on mine does that when the sim card isnt installed properly due to the device being about 10 years old & me taking it apart that many times.
29-07-2022 08:17 PM
The software was not on the modems it came on a seperate disc,it was like installing a driver for something when it asked you to insert the disc etc. I still have the same modem and disc here!
These were the very first vodafone usb modems i think? 3.5 mbps DL