02-01-2019 04:07 PM
I have a vodafone Huiwei r216, I received the unlock code and instructions, but the website I was told to go to,does not connect says connection timed out, It is I disabled the firewall and virus protection, but that didnt work either. What else can I do please
06-01-2019 03:09 AM
Hey @bsquirrell, thanks for getting in touch. I'm a little bit confused with this😕
Any IP address starting 192 is an internal IP address on your local network., not an internet website.
It’s going to be something that’s connected to your router, it might even be your phone if it’s connected by Wi-Fi!
When you unlock a phone, we normally give you a code to type in, we don’t usually ask you to visit any website.
Have you tried another SIM card in your phone? It might now be unlocked!
06-01-2019 04:41 PM
I am aware that is a network portal, it is there one given in the instructions up unlock the Huawei r216. Which is a Mobile broadband service and not a phone. So in fact it is a small modern/router. If I cannot access this network portal, how am I supposed to unlock this device .I have the unlock code
08-01-2019 12:46 PM
Have you tried clearing your cache and cookies @bsquirrell, or using a different browser or device to access the network portal?
Give this a go and let me know if you manage to get connected, if not; get back in touch and I'll be happy to take a further look into this for you.